embark top 10
unleashed challenges

Oct 12, 2023

We’ve reached the penultimate challenge of Embark 2023 and this one is called Splash!

There’s just something about playing in the water that screams fun and our best furry buddies seem to agree.

Whether it be swimming, leaping, splashing, playing fetch or jumping waves, water play offers great opportunities for exciting and dynamic action shots of doggy water babies.

So for this challenge, we sent our challengers out to capture dogs interacting with water.

These, in no particular order, are the top 10 images of the challenge.

Congratulations to the photographers, fabulous work as always.

We’ll be back in 2 weeks with our final challenge ‘Party Time’.

Charlotte & Craig 🐶 📸 ✨

Allira Fontana | Allira Fontana Photogpraphy

This is so warm and inviting! The splash is obvious and this moment looks as is this pup is smiling!

Amy Hodson | Wander Pet Photography

Great colours, the layers of water splashing around the dog are fantastic and this is a great point in the dog’s stride with the front paw outstretched and the one behind tucked.

Angie Sunderland

The interaction with the water in this shot is brilliant, the splash is interesting to look at with the shapes it has made. Great use of complementary colour harmony.

Barbara Byrne | Tails & Trails Pet Photography

Great depth and really lovely colour harmony in this Splash image. Using the foreground splash adds a story telling element to the shot.

Debora Stacker

The foam looks fantastic, as does the shadow from the splash on the side of the dog. The moment is captured so well.

Dianne Willemsen

Beautiful light and perfectly captured action. what a delightful Splash image.

Doris Marolf

Fabulous expression, great action, the splash is excellent.

Elizabeth Arellano | Elizabeth Arellano Photography

This is SO splashy! The symmetry is fantastic, the moment couldn’t have been more perfect timed and the water is so sharp it’s crystalline.

Gloria Anderson | GoDogPhoto

This looks like some kind of mythical sea creature. A really fun image with good humour, the action is sharp and well-timed and it’s just really clean and simple.

Shandess Griffin | Shand and Your Dogs Photography

Simple, but very effective, the mood created in the light and the editing style is fantastic, the moment is well timed and captured perfectly. An excellent Splash! submission.

Embark is made up of 12 challenges over 6 months and is the first interactive course in the Unleashed Challenges series.

Much more than just a challenge, Embark is an invaluable educational resource that will help you build up a go-to list of shots to help create variety in your work. Designed for anyone to be able to complete whether you just want to photograph your own dog or you are a professional pet photographer.

If you’d like to know more head over here to register your interest and we’ll send you all the details when enrollment next opens in April 2024.

Start your pet photography journey with 100 free daily tips!

That’s over 3 months worth of daily tips covering topics like working with light, obtaining expression, camera settings, shooting action, composition, using the location, dog handling tricks – and so much more. Delivered direct to your inbox so you can read and absorb straight away (no homework required).

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