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Elon Musk Nukes AOC for Complaining About Having to Pay $8/Month for ‘Blue Check’ Status


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) complained about Elon Musk’s new plan to implement a subscription service of $8/month to retain blue check status on Twitter, and was quickly mocked by the company’s new owner.

The Tesla CEO announced the plan as a means to open up verification on the platform for all users, rather than just a select few special journalists and politicians, while rooting out fake accounts and ‘bots.’

AOC, who once ran Amazon out of New York City resulting in a loss of roughly 40,000 jobs, appeared to believe she knew better than the wealthy businessman.

“Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that ‘free speech’ is actually a $8/mo subscription plan,” she wrote.

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Musk Fires Back at AOC

Elon Musk wasted little time in responding to AOC’s tweet, completely dismissing her comments.

“Your feedback is appreciated, now pay $8,” he wrote.

Musk later trolled the congresswoman by posting an image of a sweatshirt being sold on the ‘Official AOC Team Shop’ for a “mere” $58.

Ocasio-Cortez defended the pricey sweatshirt by saying all employees of the shop are union laborers and receive benefits and a living wage.

She also suggested all proceeds from the shop “go to community acts like tutoring underserved kids.”

The site itself contradicts AOC’s claims, stating in the FAQ section that “purchases are campaign contributions” and outlining campaign donation rules that all buyers must consent to.

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Tax the Rich Hypocrite

Elon Musk’s rebuttal isn’t the first example of AOC being a hypocrite when it comes to criticism of wealthy entrepreneurs.

Last September she arrived at the Met Gala, where tickets go for as much as $30,000 each, wearing a designer gown with the words “Tax The Rich” written on the back.

The dress was designed by Aurora James who, at the time, owed tens of thousands in back taxes.

Musk spent much of his time on Twitter jabbing those who complained about his blue check subscription plan.

He posted a meme pointing out how users are happy to shell out $8 for a frappucino at Starbucks per visit but aren’t thrilled about the $8 fee he is proposing for a month’s worth of service.

Musk maintains that the subscription blue check service would provide benefits to the user such as “priority in replies, mentions [and] search,” along with “half as many ads.”

Those are perks that were gifted previously to celebrities and politicians for the sole reason of being who they are.

Musk insisted Twitter’s “lords [and] peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark” was “bulls***.”

It’s unclear if the blue check subscription service would still only apply to those accounts serving a public interest making the ‘verification’ status moot.

“To all complainers, please continue complaining, but it will cost $8,” Musk tweeted.

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Rusty Weiss

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