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Easy Street Records takes Chili Cookoff crown at Junction Harvest Festival


The annual West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival was a hoot and a holler on Oct. 27 and featured a Kick-Off Costume Parade as costumed kids visited booths and junction merchants to collect candy.



Costumes of all kinds were out in force for the Seattle Junction Harvest Festival. Photo courtesy of  West Seattle Junction Association


The Seattle Thrillers dance troupe peformed in the center of the Junction and A La Mode Pie-Eating Contest made for some messy faces Easy Street Records won the, Chili Cook-Off contest and live Music was provided by the Heebie Jeebies.


Heebie Jeebies
The Heebie Jeebies provided live music – Photo courtesy of West Seattle Junction Association


Harvest fest crowd
The crowd was having fun in the middle of the West Seattle Junction. Photo courtesy of West Seattle Junction


Junction Harvest Festival
The pie eating contest had lots of interest. Photo courtesy West Seattle Junction Association.


street checkers
Kid’s activities included street checkers. Photo courtesy of West Seattle Junction Association




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