Meghan, Duchess of Sussex reportedly ignored Queen Elizabeth’s advice to seek support from the Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh before her marriage to Prince Harry.

Duchess Meghan ignored Queen Elizabeth’s advice

The late monarch is said to have advised Meghan, 41, to speak to her daughter-in-law Sophie, 58, about marrying in to the royal family but Meghan is said to have rebuffed the suggestion.

According to Robert Jobson’s new book ‘Our King: Charles III — The Man And The Monarch Revealed’, Meghan simply replied: “I’ve got Harry.”

Former PR executive Sophie tied the knot with Prince Edward in 1999 and the Queen is said to have believed she could offer some tips for navigating royal life to ‘Suits’ actress Meghan.

Meanwhile, the book also claims that Harry, 38, was “infuriated” when his father King Charles told him he could not keep paying for Meghan.

The book states: “Charles dropped a bombshell, saying he couldn’t afford to pay for Meghan in the future as well as for Camilla, and for William and Catherine and their young family. This infuriated Harry.”

Queen Elizabeth was also said to be “mystified” by Harry and Meghan’s criticisms of the Royal Family.

According to the tome: “The Queen was frankly mystified by the couple’s behaviour, describing it as ‘quite mad’. She came to believe, however, that her grandson was ‘so consumed’ by his love for his wife that it was ‘clouding his judgment’.

“And she felt let down: not only was Her Majesty disappointed in Harry’s decision to abandon his royal duty, but she also saw the departure of the Sussexes as a missed opportunity. Despite that, the Queen sincerely hoped that her grandson would find peace and happiness living the life he had chose.

“Harry, for his part, phoned her regularly from California. But it troubled the Queen when he kept trying to air his grievances. In the end, she asked him to speak directly to his father instead. A source said: ‘Her Majesty found Prince Harry’s calls quite difficult and wearisome. She didn’t want to interfere in the father/son relationship and would urge him to speak to his father.’”

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