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Drop a letter to Santa and maybe get a reply in these mailboxes


Are you looking for a place where you can drop off your letter to Santa in Greenville? Writing letters to Santa is such a joy for kids and their parents. The innocence they have at those ages is precious, isn’t it? After they are done writing out their letter, there are places here in the Greenville, SC area where kids can drop their finished masterpiece and send it on to the North Pole.

We’ve gathered up the information for all of Santa’s mailbox locations near Greenville.

If he’s able, Santa will respond to these letters as long as they have a legible return address on them so don’t forget that important part!

Places around Greenville to drop off a letter to Santa

Cabela’s in Greenville
Head to Cabela’s where you can visit with Santa and get a free photo (reservation required). You will also find a letter box at Santa’s Wonderland to send your list. You can pop in anytime the store is open to mail your letter.

3125 State Park Road, Greenville
This family puts up the Santa mailbox usually at Thanksgiving.

100 N Main Street, Fountain Inn
This mailbox is in front of Lilies on Main in Fountain Inn. The mailbox is up starting December 1 and all letters will receive a reply within three business days (this is a pretty efficient Santa we must say). Be sure to put your child’s name on the letter and you can pick it up at the flower shop through December 20.

Dickens of a Christmas in Spartanburg
This one-night event has a Santa’s mailbox for letters. It happens on December 6th, 2022 from 6-9 pm.

Dickens of a Christmas Santa Mail Drop Off

902 Whitemarsh Ave, Simpsonville (34.6944731, -82.2951430)
This is the big Anthony’s Family Lights annual home display. They have a Santa mailbox and a big holiday light display.

Downtown Seneca, SC
Look for it downtown starting November 29, 2022

For places to see Santa, don’t miss our Santa Sightings List full of places to see Santa this year. And, for all the holiday-related events in the Upstate, check out our 2022 Holiday Events and Things to do Near Greenville.


Kristina Hernandez

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