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Draft Amendment Will Regulate Sale of CBD Products and Kratom – Brno Daily – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Drug experts say that some substances, such as kratom (pictured) are not so dangerous that they should be banned completely. Photo credit: Freepik.

Prague, May 24 (CTK) – CBD, HHC, and kratom could be added to a new list of “psychomodulatory substances”, which should be included in the upcoming amendment on addictive substances, Czech national drug policy coordinator Jindrich Voboril told journalists yesterday.

The amendment should lay down rules for the sale and control of these substances, Voboril said, adding that he was convinced that product bans and repression would lead to the emergence of a black market and negative health impacts.


Drug experts say that the substances are not so dangerous that they should be banned completely.

A ban on CBD cannabidiol products was recently proposed by Agriculture Minister Zdenek Nekula (KDU-CSL).

Last week, after a meeting with Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS), Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Bartos (Pirates) and experts, he withdrew his proposal for the time being.

Health Minister Vlastimil Valek (TOP 09) said he was ready to propose a ban on kratom.

“The law with a list of psychomodulating substances is ready in a paragraphed text with an explanatory report. We have a fifth version of the amendment,” Voboril said.

He said the finalisation of the amendment would take about a month. Negotiations with…

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