Items that may seem to be obsolete may still have a purpose. Just because some tech-savvy people have left them behind doesn’t mean everyone has done the same.

You’d be surprised at how many items that some view as outdated not only still have a place in the world today but are also quite helpful.

Walkie Talkies

Walkie Talkies
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While many view walkie talkies as a primitive version of a cell phone, there’s something about the ability to instantly connect with someone that makes them worthwhile. There’s a reason why they’re still used often in places like construction sites or by the military. More often than not, the signal and connection is superior to that of a cell phone as well.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Like a walkie talkie, many viewed cell phones as a logical replacement for pagers. Why would you page someone when you can just shoot them a text and get the full message across?

In the medical profession, pagers are an essential tool used to get a hold of doctors and nurses. Despite seeming obsolete, they still have plenty of value today.

Mechanical Buttons

car dashboardcar dashboard
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

With the advancement of touch screen technology, many devices are ditching traditional, mechanic buttons. Sure, a touch screen on a car dashboard may look cool, but what happens if the touch screen malfunctions? You’re out of luck.

It may seem outdated, but mechanical buttons absolutely still have their place in society today.

Oil Lamps

Oil LampsOil Lamps
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In a world filled with electricity, oil lamps seem obsolete. However, when the power goes out during a storm, your fancy LED lightbulbs aren’t going to work.

Being able to have an oil lamp, or even matches to light candles, can allow you to light an area that would otherwise remain dark during power outages.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Speaking of power outages, did you know that landline phones still work when the power is out? No more piece of technology may be more obsolete than the traditional landline phone. More often than not, and old school landline phone you see today, especially in offices, uses a network connection or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

Landlines don’t use that, and as a result, are still able to make and receive calls when your power or internet is down.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Why would you ever need a map when your phone is filled with a GPS system? Well, what happens if you go off-grid and can’t get a connection. Or your phone’s battery dies. Or you forget your phone when you’re out in the wilderness.

A map, as well as basic navigation skills, will never go out of style.

Wired Headphones

Wired HeadphonesWired Headphones
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sure, wired headphones can be a pain sometimes. I can’t tell you how often I would get tangled when doing outdoor chores such as mowing the lawn. Still, wireless headphones can be aggravating when you forget to charge them. Not to mention, what happens if an airbud falls out of your ear by accident when you’re out for a walk and you don’t realize until it’s too late?


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When the streaming era took off, many began to view physical media as a thing of the past. Why would we need to ever purchase a DVD again when we can just stream our favorite movies and shows off of Netflix for under $10 a month?

Oh how naive we were.

Flash forward to today, and there are countless streaming services that not only continue to get more and more expensive, but are also taking our favorite shows and movies off their platform. Good thing we still have those DVDs somewhere, right?

TV Antennas

TV AntennasTV Antennas
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While on the subject of watching movies and TV shows, let’s talk about TV antennas. Yes, it seems that more and more people are ditching cable boxes for their favorite streaming service, but people should also consider the power of a TV antenna. You get your local channels with ease and don’t have to worry about signing up for several streaming services to watch local sports.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For many readers, nothing will ever beat the feeling of holding a physical book as you read it. Sure, eReaders are a great way to store lots of books in a more convenient method for handling, but again, nothing beats the feeling of turning the page of a good novel.

Fax Machines

Fax MachinesFax Machines
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Would you believe it that plenty of people still send faxes? They do!

Yes, it may seem obsolete to many (why wouldn’t you just send an email), but there are still plenty of uses for fax machines.

I used to work in the construction industry and plenty of firms will fax over blueprints and drawings for job sites because they need to do measurements on top of them. While there are digital methods of doing this, some prefer the old-school method.


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Many say that cash is always king, but in the eyes of some, it’s becoming obsolete. I’ve noticed a surprising number of establishments that are becoming cashless. From restaurants, retail shops, and even theme parks, more and more businesses are ditching paper money.

However, cash will always have a place in our society. If you need to give your friend money, for example, nothing will ever be as quick and easy as handing them a $20 bill. Sending virtual money sometimes has delays and even fees.

Read More From Us – 17 Movies With Zero Expectations That Blew Us Away

The FugutiveThe Fugutive
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


Never judge a book by its cover. You can say the same about movies.

Some of our favorite films are the ones we went into with no expectations. Despite this, they blew us away from start to finish.

17 Movies With Zero Expectations That Blew Us Away

Read More From Us – Classic 80s Movies Better Than Anything Released Today

Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

The 80s was an incredible time for film. From award-winning cinema to hilarious comedies and everything in between, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Thankfully, many of these 80s movies still hold up today. I regularly find myself watching these beloved 80s movies more often than modern cinema.

Classic 80s Movies Better Than Anything Released Today

Jake Valentine

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