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Donald Trump announces he’s really Robert Redford — MAGA people buy it


Former White House resident, twice impeached, twice indicted, accused sex offender, announced on his social media platform (whatever it’s called) that he is really Robert Redford in disguise, and if you vote for him, and get him back into the White House, he’ll take off his fat suit and you’ll see the real me.


The kick is MAGA people are eating it all up, believing it, and buying it as if it were a fire sale.

He told stories before, and MAGA people bought those, so why not try the Redford story and win Democrat women over?

Lindsey Graham immediately said it was true. Rudolph Giuliani says he’s always suspected it. Melania quietly whispers, Don’t I wish! But nobody hears her whispers.

The real Robert Redford is holed up in some mountaintop snow cabin, away from Wifi, television, radio, shortwave, and smoke signals. It’s assumed he would parachute into civilization and make a public announcement if told.

However, Tom Cruse has the parachute gig.

So Trump keeps insisting he’s really that same handsome, smart guy, not that he’s presently stupid, no way (Trump taps his head to demonstrate but pokes his eye). And that he’ll take off the fat suit, mask, and wig once re-elected back into the White House.

MAGA people do cartwheels and sing the jingle, “We’re back in the White House. We’re back in the White House…”

No dope contender for the Arizona Governor’s race and loser Kari Lake announced that she was actually Angelina Jolie, and she would be appointed Trump’s Vice President.

When informed, Trumps questioned, “Heh? Who?”

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