Ever felt that fluttery feeling in your chest when a certain someone is around? Wondering if your connection is wishful thinking or if he is crushing on you too? This “Does He Have a Crush on Me Quiz”, created by a relationship counselor, can help you decipher the subtle signs that the man you’re crushing on has got a crush on you too!

This quiz is not a definitive answer, but rather a fun and insightful exploration designed to guide you in paying close attention to his behavior, understanding potential signs of attraction, and learning to communicate effectively.

For example, pay attention to his body language. Does he make eye contact, smile often, or lean in while talking to you? This is one of the telltale signs he has a crush on you. Also notice if he is usually confident but acts a little weird around you, it might be because he has a crush on you and doesn’t know what to do since he is shy!

So, what are you waiting for? The answer to your question is short 9 questions away. Remember, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and communicate openly and honestly, regardless of the outcome.

Related Quiz: Does my crush like me?

Related Quiz: Am I ready to date quiz


  1. He pays attention to you – what you say, what you’re doing
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never –
  2. He remembers things about you – eg your coffee order
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  3. He tries to make you laugh
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  4. You catch him staring at you
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  5. He finds reasons to be around you
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  6. He goes out of his way to be nice to you
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  7. He wants to know more about you
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  8. He smiles at you a lot
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
  9. He mirrors your actions, like copying your expressions or your gestures without realizing
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never

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