Does Dill Have Medicinal Properties?
Dried dill weed has been shown to reduce both the duration and severity of cases of diarrhea, including alleviating abdominal cramping and discomfort, within 24 hours.
Dill does not seem to affect appetite or cause constipation. It also appears that dill extract changes bacterial populations in the intestines by inhibiting certain types of bacteria (it inhibits Streptococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), but encourages other beneficial types (specifically Lactobacillus) which counter these adverse effects. And finally, one study found that dried dill extract decreases production of certain toxins by intestinal bacteria.
Dill has a high levels of anethole, a phytochemical found in plants with aromatic essential oils. It is thought that this chemical helps promote the health and function of the digestive system by stimulating secretions from certain glands.
It also is believed to have antibiotic properties which makes it good for treating respiratory infections such as bronchitis, sore throat and even pneumonia.
Dill can be heated up with honey to form a decongestant sinus treatment for coughs and colds — this could also help soothe an upset stomach if taken during sickness or nausea. The active ingredients may also exhibit mild sedative property in large doses, or when applied externally over skin surfaces below the neck because of their relaxing effect on nerves.
Dill prevents ulcers, strengthens the bones, treats coughs and colds. It is known to have many medicinal properties that serve as home remedies for various ailments.
Dill can be used as a treatment for ulcers by putting a tea spoon of wrapped dill seeds into a cup of hot water, letting it steep for five minutes and filtering it under running water. The last filtering step should leave visitors with a clear tea without the dill flavor to use as an effective anti-ulcer drink.
It also helps strengthen bones, cures coughs or colds by putting one teaspoon of dry dill in boiling water. Boil until all the water absorbs and let it cool before drinking to make sure no burning happens.
Dill has been used medicinally in both Europe and China for over 3,000 years. It is believed to have been originally cultivated by the Egyptians or Mesopotamians around 2000 BC or 3000 BC.
Dill is used among other things to improve appetite, aid digestion, cure narcotic overdoses and treat snake bites. It is also given to babies with colic. One might take a homeopathic dose of dill in order to treat an alcohol use disorder related condition such as severe anxiety or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Dill is popular for its use in traditional Eastern European tonics, herbal teas, and as a flavoring for pickles. It has been used to help with issues such as breast milk production, digestive problems, sore throat relief, pneumonia symptoms relief or reduction of fever caused by viral infections or fever caused by bacterial infection.
Dill is high in ursolic acid which is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits and helps reduce pain associated with arthritis. It also contains carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for eye health because they are potent antioxidants that protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Dill has a carminative action on the upper gastrointestinal tract which reduces bloating by reducing the buildup of intestinal gasses like methane before they enter into the latrine area (rectum) where they can cause discomfort or pain.
What is dill?
Dill is the seed-producing plant of a family of vegetables, Anethum graveolens, an annual herb in the parsley family. It was historically used as both food and medicine by ancient peoples.
It has been used as a flavoring agent and natural antiseptic. Historians believe that Greeks may have used it in trade or exploration maps to distinguish between accurate and less safe land masses. The dill plant owes its name to this practice, via Old English meaning ‘to judge’.
Dill is a type of herb found in Mediterranean regions. It has an aroma reminiscent of carrots, fennel, or coriander, and is often used to season fish, salads, sandwiches, soups, cream sauces.
Chemical composition of dill:
Dill is rich in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. The leaves also contain calcium, iron and fiber.
The most biologically significant compounds found in fresh dill are the essential oils consisting of over 40% of the volatile matter of which one includes carvone or “dill seed” oil at 10–30%.
Additional important components include phenylpropanoids such as ferulate and p-methoxycinnamate. As a consequence, fresh dill has a strong flavor similar to apple juice with a peppery bite where as powdered dill is milder flavor wise but still very aromatic.
Dill chemical composition contains key substances, including aliphatic anethols, dansyl chloride and ferulic acid. Chemical researches show the chemopreventive role of dill is related to its high content of flavonoids. The most abundant are apigenin-7-O-[6’’”’-malonyl]-glucoside and apigenin-7-O-[beta’’”-D-”galactopyranosyl-(1’’”’:4’’”)]-glucoside (0.89 and 0.53%, respectively).
Flavonoids can prevent cancer by activating apoptosis in malignant cells and promoting differentiation in the absence or deficiency of hormones.
Although it’s primarily flavor component in the oil, dill has nutritional value because it contains β-carotene and certain minerals in significant quantities for a foodstuff of its class. It also has high antioxidant activity due to concentration of natural phenols. These qualities make dill invaluable to desserts, sauces, dips, soups, toppings/toppings, salads/salad dressings for being both flavorful and nutritious.
It is not very common or popular since most people are not aware that there are benefits to eating dill aside from just adding flavoring to dishes.
Dried dill weed can cause stomach upset. It may also interact with thyroxine, antibiotics and antidepressants.
There is a variety of evidence that components in dill can aggravate sensitive stomachs and cause cramp-like abdominal pain and bloating. There is only limited evidence for other side effects; we know at least one person who had hallucinations from ingesting large quantities of Dill weed extract, but it may have been an allergic reaction.
Food Nutrition
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