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Does CBD Carry Montezuma’s Curse? — A Few Warnings On CBD Oil & Diarrhea – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Diarrhea is embarrassing, but it’s a serious problem when left unaddressed. Recent surveys also suggest that diarrhea-related complaints are more common in older demographics. Therefore, it’s crucial for seniors interested in taking CBD oil to understand the potential side effects associated with this cannabinoid.

As you may have already guessed, diarrhea is one of the more commonly reported reactions related to CBD oil. Although most healthy adults don’t experience side effects when taking CBD, not everyone reacts to hemp in the same way. We feel it’s best to arm you with knowledge on the “worst-case scenario” so you know how to respond safely and efficiently when you try CBD products.

Ironically, many people use CBD to treat digestive-related problems, including irritable bowel syndrome and a lack of appetite. For some patients, CBD’s anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory benefits help settle their tummy, relieve nausea, and stimulate slight hunger.

However, it’s not unheard of for new patients to report experiencing diarrhea a few hours after taking CBD oil. So, what’s the deal with this seeming contradiction?

Well, according to many in the CBD community, it’s more likely CBD isn’t the primary culprit behind these digestive complaints. Please remember that manufacturers have to mix their CBD in a carrier oil for effective transmission and absorption. Therefore, people could be having an adverse reaction to the carrier oil in their CBD extract.


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