Self Help
Disha’s Story Of Searching Through The Box of Chocolates and Finding The Right One with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
This is a famous line from the movie Forrest Gump which reminds us that life is full of surprises, both sweet and bitter. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when we face challenges but just like the protagonist Forrest, who braved through life’s ups and downs with resilience and an open heart, we too can find strength and growth in the most unexpected places.
Meet Disha Holla, a 21-year-old who recently graduated with a BA in Psychology, Journalism, and English at Indian Academy. She was born in Maharashtra and then her family moved to Mangalore for two years before settling in Bangalore, where she has lived most of her life.
“I like to think that I had a privileged childhood as I always got what I wanted, whether it was toys, playtime, or help with my studies. I was generally good at my academics and enjoyed them, so my family never had to push me to do homework or assignments.”
Disha grew up in a large family that included her grandparents, one aunt, and her cousins, who were like siblings to her. She explains how living in a joint family had its challenges and positive moments however, now, she mostly lives with her mother. She admits that this smaller family setup makes life easier to manage and has taught her that separations and changes are necessary.
Her hobbies and passions have changed over the years. In Maharashtra, she learned Bharatanatyam dance and karate. In Mangalore, she was more into Carnatic singing, drawing, and glass painting.
“Currently, I enjoy reading books, writing poems, and listening to music. I even have a book of poems published to my name.”
Disha first heard about YourDOST from her college, which partners with the organisation for mental health support. Being a psychology student, she decided to try it.
Here she met her therapist, who was closer to her age and could relate to her problems, which made Disha feel comfortable.
“About a year ago, I felt overwhelmed with my college stress, family issues, and some upcoming exams. I felt like she was falling behind, even though I was keeping up by my own standards. It was not long before I realised that I needed help to manage my stress.”

Initially, therapy sessions were weekly so Disha felt impatient and wanted quick results. She found it hard to wait a week between sessions and felt like some issues were getting lost. Her therapist suggested she track her thoughts when feeling overwhelmed, which seemed like a lot of work but was necessary for her progress.
“I slowly learned to lower my own expectations and communicate more openly with my mother and friends. This open communication helped me understand their responses better and analyse my thoughts in a structured way.”
Gradually, Disha saw positive changes as she managed her time better and recognised her feelings more clearly. She learned to distinguish between anxiety and fear, or anger and disappointment and this self-awareness was a big step forward.
“My patience level started to improve and I began to trust the therapy process. Over time, my impatience turned into a more patient outlook and I started understanding that meaningful change takes time.”
Today, Disha rates her improvement a solid 4 out of 5 and to her, improvement means knowing herself better. She is grateful for her therapist’s timely intervention in her life and wishes the same for everyone!
We at YourDOST believe Disha is on the right path and wish her all the best in her future endeavours!
Disha’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Take a minute for yourself and know your thoughts.”
2.“Be the change, and you’ll find the world changing around you.”
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