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Dietitian Tips for Making Smart Goals This New Year — Body Fusion Best Dietitian Sydney



Statistics show that on average only 9-12% of people keep to their new year’s resolutions! The reason for this low percentage is often because often their goals are unrealistic and unsustainable to achieve, even over a 12-month period. 

In line with our philosophy at Body Fusion, we believe the key to success is making realistic, measurable and achievable nutritional and lifestyle goals. Below our Dietitian Tatiana shares 3 tips to consider while making your smart goals and strategies for achieving them.

1.    Know your why 

It is so important to know your reasons behind why you want to achieve the things you are working towards. Think about your personal reasons for making the change from two perspectives;  

‘What are the positive outcomes of changing?’


‘What are the negative consequences of not changing?’

Rather than only thinking about number oriented reasons like waist line, clothing sizes and weight, reflect on other health outcomes including sleep, energy, bowels, prevention of chronic diseases etc. These can be powerful motivators towards making a change in the long term!

For example:

You might have been encouraged to reduce your alcohol intake because you have been informed it could be impacting your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You might personally also want to reduce your alcohol intake as you are wanting to improve your quality of life outcomes and longevity in life.  

After a night of drinking, assess how is your sleep quality, energy levels and mind clarity? Are you feeling sluggish, low in mood, demotivated, lethargic and uncomfortable in the gut? 

Link these potential feelings to the amount and frequency of alcohol consumed and when you work to reduce your alcohol intake, be more mindful of these aspects of your life. Do you start to wake up feeling happier in the gut, feeling healthier and more energetic? 

2.    Be realistic 

Once you know what goals you want to achieve and the reasons why achieving those goals are important to you, the next step is to plan your actions. These actions need to be realistic so that they can be achievable. 

Sometimes you might find yourself making a big dive into making many changes at once. For many this can be difficult to sustain and could lead to self-sabotage and giving up altogether. Take the gradual approach and aim to work on one goal at a time.

For example: 

You might be drinking alcohol 7 days of the week now. A realistic option would be to introduce 2 alcohol free days and continue drinking 5 days of the week. 

At times this goal might be difficult to achieve but have some alternative beverages like a glass of Kombucha or alternative activities to do like a puzzle to give you the “relaxation” and “comfort” you are looking for after a long day. 

3.    Think consistency rather than perfectionism 

Forget about the ‘all or nothing approach’, rather focus on establishing consistency with your dietary and lifestyle changes. Forming new habits and behaviours is not easy and it can take up to 30 days for a new habit to form. Some days and weeks are easier than others but take each day as a new chance to make better choices and work on consistency. You are winning!

Hope this has motivated you to make some lifestyle and dietary goals for 2023. Reach out to Tatiana to guide, motivate and encourage you with ideas, strategies and techniques to achieve your goals!

Tatiana xx


Ashleigh Brunner

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