Now that her majesty the Queen is gone, there are two curious questions to ask that have never been asked before and of such a delicate matter have never been raised publicly.
Brace yourself!
First, did Queen Elizabeth ever say the F word? The one that rhymes with suck, luck, muck, buck, or duck but begins with an F. You know, the F word? Perhaps when the crown may have rolled off her head accidentally, did she say, “Oh sugar!” or did she say, “Oh f——k!”
Like ever?
It does not appear that anyone could live for over 90 years without using such a valuable and explicitly satisfying word for numerous accidental occasions.
Also, was Queen Elizabeth a virgin when she married Prince Philip? Or was there any hanky-panky beforehand? Much was said about locating a virgin for Prince Charles, and when one was finally located, she was referred to as the last virgin in the United Kingdom—over eighteen.
Throughout history, Elizabeth I is always referred to as The Virgin Queen. Even PBS uses the term repeatedly like it was tattooed on Elizabeth I forehead.
“Look at her. She thinks she’s so great. She may be the Queen, but she’s still a virgin.”
In his film Blood Of Dracula, Andy Warhol pronounced virgin worgin.
So historians should also establish whether Elizabeth II was a virgin before marriage or ever used the F. word.
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