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Did a Military Chaplain Pray with Biden for Trump to Come Back to the White House?



A video recorded in November 2023 authentically depicts a U.S. military chaplain praying alongside U.S. President Joe Biden to “bring back the real president, Donald J. Trump.”



While the visuals of the low-quality video were genuine, the audio of the chaplain speaking was altered.

On Nov. 23, 2023, a user on X posted a low-quality video that showed U.S. President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and an unidentified U.S. military chaplain bowing their heads in prayer. In the video, the chaplain can purportedly be heard saying, “So anyway, please get rid of Joe Biden and bring back the real president, Donald J. Trump.”

The caption of the post read, “This soldier prays to God for Trump to replace Joe … but he does it right in front of Joe.”

However, this low-quality video contained altered audio. The chaplain did not, in fact, mention Biden or Trump by name at all.

A Google search displayed results that indicated the doctored video had also appeared elsewhere online.

The video was originally recorded at a Thanksgiving-themed gathering on Nov. 19, 2023, at Norfolk Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia.

The unnamed person, who Biden referred to as a being a chaplain, led a full prayer that went as follows, as can be seen in high-quality videos posted by both the Forbes Breaking News channel on YouTube (starting around the 08:30-minute marker) and on C-SPAN’s official website (starting around the 08:20-minute marker):

Let us pray. Lord God. Heavenly Father. From your loving hand, we receive all that is good, including the gift of eternity in your divine presence. We come together today grateful for so many blessings. The blessings of liberty that were secured by many who gave their lives that we might know freedom. We give thanks for family members and for close friends and colleagues who stand by us every day. We give thanks for all who take up the mantle of leadership for our nation, forging us forward to assure generations ahead of us may also know freedom’s light. We ask that you give them wisdom and guide their hand in confidence that every decision will serve you and your people. We pray for our nation, that you may protect us and empower us to advance liberty. We also ask that you would watch over and uplift those in uniform who are deployed this Thanksgiving and holiday season. Be a constant support for them and their families who watch for their return. With the assurance that, as our God, not limited by time and distance, you will always keep us connected in your most holy and eternal spirit. We ask your divine favor on this gathering. Bless our fellowship. Bless the food that we will receive. In your holy name we pray, amen.

For further reading, we previously reported about another context-free rumor that was shared about the same Thanksgiving-themed event, regarding a remark Biden had made about children.


Jordan Liles

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