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Diablo 4 player lands a 235 trillion damage hit with its new class and the pile of overpowered bugs keeping it at the top of the meta


Diablo 4’s new class is also its best class by far. And I mean like trillions of damage better than the rusty old classes from the distant past of 2023. The spiritborn are so powerful that in the next patch Blizzard is just going to show abbreviated damage numbers to clean up the screen during combat. It’s not, however, going to fix any of the egregious bugs that are keeping almost every spiritborn build at the top of the meta.

The greatest minds in the Diablo 4 community have spent the last few weeks deconstructing the class and they’ve found major bugs that seem to exponentially increase their power regardless of what build you run. One bug in particular is responsible for multiplying their damage by upwards of five times, and utilizing it is incredibly easy.

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