Detective Ev’s Girlfriend Becomes an FDN (Pt. 2)
[00:00:00] Detective Ev: Hello my friends, and welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, aka Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show about becoming an FDN.
This is part two in our special guest episode where we are having my girlfriend on. She is about to finish up the FDN course at the time of us recording this. We had her on a little earlier than we expected, just because I’m about to get a wisdom tooth surgery and I’ll be out of commission. It was not expected, it wasn’t really planned. It was kind of by necessity cause it’s impacted, and they wanted to get it out sooner rather than later. So, I’m going to go do that and then I will be back in business.
But that is why we have these two episodes kind of divided a little shorter than we normally would. It’s just because I needed some help at this time. So, if you haven’t listened to PART ONE, I would definitely recommend going and clicking on that. It would probably make the most sense. And if you are super lazy, we have that in the show notes for you as well. So, you could check out the episode right there and listen to the part one prior to listening to this.
KetoCon 2023: Biohacking Conference
In other news, it’s a little late, but not quite too late to join us at KetoCon. We are going to be down there from April 21st to April 23rd. That is a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There are passes available for as little as one day if you only wanted to come for one specific day. There’s passes for the whole weekend.
This is going to be a great event. I’ve never heard the founder of KetoCon say this, Robin Switzer, but this is my opinion. Ever since the whole Paleo f(X) thing happened, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to be doing that anymore, I think Robin is a very worthy person to kind of take over that. They’re doing it in the same city, Austin; they’re even doing it in the same event center.
She had started KetoCon prior to the whole Paleo f(X) thing, not being a thing anymore. She is a very intelligent person and businesswoman. She saw an opportunity here to go, okay, let’s not just focus solely on keto anymore, but we have this ability to really expand.

So, this year, yes, there’s going to be a lot of food products. Yes, there’s going to be talks on ketosis and carnivore, but there’s also going to be functional medicine, sleep tips, all these different types of things that you would expect at a more biohacking conference.
KetoCon 2023: Come See Us!
Reed Davis himself will be there. He is keynoting actually on Friday the 21st. So, if you’re going to get any day, try to get that. Come say hi to us at the booth. We’ve got a whole crew coming down. Not only will I be there, you have clinical advisor, Ryan Monahan and his significant other, Lindy Curtis. She is someone who works with us at FDN as well. She does a lot of outreach for affiliates and marketing, which is cool. We will also have, again, Reed Davis and his wife Raewyn.

I will have myself and my girlfriend, Maddy, who we’re featuring in this episode today. Then one of my best friends and his girlfriend will be down there as well because they are about to finish up the FDN course too. I know we’ll have some additional volunteers that I’m not aware of offhand right now. I mean, if that crew doesn’t get you excited, I don’t really know what will.
So, check that out. I’ll have a link in the show notes for where you can learn more about KetoCon if you’re like, you know what, it’s early April and I’m looking to make an impulsive trip to Austin. That sounds fun. Or maybe you’re already in the Austin area and you’re free that weekend and you need something to do. This is going to be a good time.
Without further ado, let’s get to part two of Maddy’s episode.
Becoming An FDN: Exhaustion Phase
[00:03:12] Madeleine Junevitch: Absolutely. I think the biggest shock for myself was seeing that I was in exhaustion phase. There was a lot of things, but just seeing that I was exhaustion phase, sometimes people might see that and kind of get a feeling of dread, but for me it was relief.
I had been dealing with just extremely low energy, feeling like I could never complete things to perfection like I loved to do when I was little. So, just having this validation for my lack of follow through with things, it felt so good. Like, oh my gosh, there’s something here that I can work on, that I can fix. I can get back up to fighting speed like I was in the past, just made me feel great, to be honest to find that.
But for the listeners and for perhaps people who are in the FDN course right now, who might know what I’m talking about, my total cortisol level, the cortisol sum was four. That’s extremely low. Most of that was the morning value. The morning was a 3.1. My total was four. Most of it’s in the morning and noon was extremely low. Afternoon was extremely low. Night was extremely low.

So, I’d wake up and I’d have energy, then by like 10:00 AM I would crash for the rest of the day. I couldn’t concentrate. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t get much stuff done. I could barely get off the couch. Here I am the whole time thinking that I’m just a couch potato and I’m going nowhere in life. That’s just adding to my mental stress because I’m getting depressed and anxious because I’m not being able to do any of these things.
Becoming An FDN: Hormone Assessment & Metabolic Wellness Profile
Not being into the whole mental side and validating that as a real symptom or something, that’s actually going to hold you back. It just made me even more depressed. Then I just don’t even talk about these things to people because you know, it’s not a physical problem, so it’s not real. Right? Yeah, that’s definitely one of them.
I also found that my hormones were completely out of whack. My testosterone was insanely high. My estrogen was extremely low.
Then my metabolic wellness profile, I don’t want to get too technical for someone who’s maybe not going through the course, so they don’t know what I’m talking about. But I just found out my internal environment for my liver, my GI tract, it was a very toxic condition. I had a lot of oxidative stress going on. My liver’s just very congested probably from all the drinking and the stuff I was putting into my body.

But then also my indican was extremely high. That just means that I can’t break down proteins well enough, which is very bad because I’m a fast oxidizer and I need high protein. That’s just contributing more towards my metabolic chaos and the fact that I can’t get what I need to be healthy. It’s just this negative feedback loop of me just feeling worse and worse and worse.
I think that’s how it became so drastic in the past couple of years of just, yeah, I’m doing fine. I’m okay. Then I just plummeted and it’s getting worse. That was a huge thing that I found. Basically, no cortisol, so no energy, stress, and then just the very toxic conditions.
Becoming An FDN: GI MAP Test Results
Another one was my GI MAP, looking at all the bacteria and potential pathogens and stuff I have inside my body. I found this very, very interesting. My keystone bacteria or my commensal bacteria, the bacteria that’s supposed to be in there that helps to keep you healthy, keeps the bad stuff out, most of them were low to non-existent.

It’s almost like my body was so toxic, nothing was able to live inside of me. That was just kind of contributing towards, obviously, just feeling bad and allowing other stuff to kind of manifest in a bad way.
[00:06:46] Detective Ev: I find it interesting how you described it. I actually love when people do describe it this way cause I think it’s important to view the labs. Regardless of what comes up, the labs should always be viewed in this way, in my opinion. This idea that some could perceive what happened with you as almost like frightening or, hey, what’s going on here but you looked at it as validating.
Listen guys, regardless of the labs being ran or not, that is the state that your body’s in. So, you are having it on a lab test in front of you or not having a lab test does not change the fact that that is the state that your body’s in. It would, you would think, be universally considered good to have those results because now there’s something that you can do about it. This isn’t an ultimatum, it’s not a death sentence that you get the labs back and like, oh, this stuff doesn’t look good, so now I’m done. Like, it’s literally the opposite.
Becoming An FDN: Validating & Constructive
That’s why we have FDN and the philosophies that we use is to help people get well and stay well naturally. That is the point. I would also say not only the validation thing, but also this other side of look at it as something to be thankful for. Now there is something to do. There is something to improve, hopefully.
A lot of people have had serious diagnoses like autoimmunity and stuff like that, but hopefully it’s not a cancer. Hopefully, it’s not something that could actually directly kill you. So, you’ve caught this before you got to those extreme levels, and it’s probably largely to your benefit.

So, there’s two ways to look at the labs. I’m not really black and white with stuff like this normally, but I think there is one correct way to look at the labs though. Even though there’s multiple ways, there is only one correct way. The correct way is always the way that you’re talking about Maddy, where it’s validating and constructive.
Let’s actually do something with this. In terms of the FDN course itself, and you know because you’ve listened to the podcast, you know that you can be objective with this. Obviously, you do not have to just say something nice. I’m fine with hearing your feedback no matter what it is. In terms of your expectations of the course versus what it has actually looked like for you, how did those match up? Did it just meet them? Did it exceed them?
I know it didn’t not meet them. Obviously, I talk to you all the time. But I’m curious where you’re at so that this can be something that a listener can take something from if maybe they’re considering the course.
Becoming An FDN: Sneaky Gluten Sensitivity
[00:08:50] Madeleine Junevitch: Absolutely. I will answer that in just a moment. But really quick, I just want to go back to my personal results because I found something when I got my results back that I think a lot of listeners will resonate with.

I grew up my whole life eating bread, pasta, oh my gosh, sourdough bread was my kryptonite. I could eat a whole loaf of that, no problem, probably with a stick of butter and it was just heaven for me. When I got my test results back, I found out that I’m highly reactive to gluten. I had no idea. I think a lot of people would be in the same boat because like I said before, I wasn’t really having a lot of symptoms, at least that I could tell. Sure, I’d get like anxious, depressed, I’d have some acne, but I thought those were all normal.
Come to find out, I’m highly sensitive to gluten, had no idea. So, I cut that out of my life almost for about a year now, maybe a little less, and I feel so much better. That’s one thing I definitely wanted to point out because gluten definitely is a serious thing for a lot of people, and you may not even realize it. I would just point that out to the listener, try to get that on their radar.
But going back to the course, the course was amazing. I loved it. The main thing that I loved about it, one, it’s just offered this whole new paradigm, whole new way of looking at health, a very practical way, to be honest.
Becoming An FDN: A Paradigm Shift
The body is a system of systems, as I like to say; so, everything is connected together. It’s like a car, right? You have multiple different pieces, like for an engine, but you take a bolt out, that’s not just going to affect that one specific area. That’s going to affect the whole engine, maybe not right away.
Maybe you’re going to be able to drive it for a couple miles, maybe a little bit longer than you would’ve anticipated, but eventually things are going to start wobbling, things are going to start putting stress on other areas. That’s just like our body. If one area goes out of whack, well then that starts pulling on everything else. And now the whole thing is rattling to where everything’s kind of in a tricky situation.
That’s what I really loved about FDN course, just getting that paradigm shift. The way that Reed looks at health is just fantastic. I’m not saying it’s easy, but going through this course and finally understanding that paradigm shift of how to look at health, it just clicked. It’s like, duh, why doesn’t anybody get this?

Not to demonize Western medicine, but like, why don’t they get this? Why is this not more mainstream, that hey, everything works together and kind of like a butterfly effect. Mess with one thing that’s going to affect something else in a different area. That to me was really cool.
Becoming An FDN: The FDN Course is a College Master’s Level
But another thing that I absolutely loved is that it’s self-paced. I love that I can just sit down and plug and chug for four hours if I want to, or I can just do an hour at a time. There’s no one telling me, hey, you have an assignment due and a paper due every single Friday. You have to get it done, otherwise, you get a failing mark and that’s going to affect your overall grade. I don’t really like learning like that. So, the way the FDN is set up with a self-paced course is pretty great.
I previously had been in more like science and like health-based college classes, and this is, it’s a little difficult because at the time when you’re a full-time student, you’re taking like 12, 14, 16 credits depending on what it is. It’s definitely challenging because there’s a lot of material. You’re going through it pretty quickly. So yes, it’s pretty challenging.

This course, it’s self-paced, so it’s kind of hard to compare. But quantity wise and quality wise for what you’re getting, I would say it’s about college level to maybe even like master’s level of what you’re learning. But the cool thing is it’s just the FDN system. You’re not forced to take English. You’re not forced to take history. That’s what’s kind of amazing about it.
[00:12:42] Detective Ev: That’s an awesome description, especially at the end with the master’s thing. Cause I don’t even know if I’ve told you this before, but that’s actually how Reed describes it. He compares it to like master’s level.
Becoming An FDN: FDN’s Systematized Approach
I haven’t been to college in that way, but it seems about accurate because I know some of my friends who have graduated with bachelor’s degrees and I’m like, yeah, it can’t be that hard. But then you see the master’s thing and that kind of separates a lot of people it seems. And then the doctorate level’s obviously ridiculous for many people. But I think it’s like a master’s level course.
That’s just what it is. It’s intense. It’s very focused on one specific thing and it’s science. That is a topic that can get a lot of people. Some of us are much more in tune with science and we love it. Others are just, that’s not their thing, right? It’s like when I watch you do art, I mean, that is just not my thing. You could train me for a thousand hours and I still probably won’t come up with something as good as you can already do right now if you never even like did any more training. Versus the science side, for me, it comes a little bit more naturally. I like numbers. I like systems.

I think that’s a very hallmark characteristic of the people that go through the FDN course is they appreciate the systematized approach here and that, I can use this with all clients, and it is going to work every time. It’s predictable. It’s not like random diets where it works sometimes and then another person, it doesn’t work, and you’re like, well, where the heck did we go wrong? We’re actually able to get those predictable results. That’s cool.
Becoming An FDN: Plenty of Support for Even an Introvert
How did you like the mentorship aspect? You even talked about this before, like you’re more of an introverted person. You talked about how even working at the light therapy studio has helped with the social side a lot. I mean, you’re kind of involved with the mentorship, especially the group side of things. I never really talked to you about the group side, only the one-on-one stuff. Did you like that? Do you think that’s a cool aspect for many people? What did you think?
[00:14:21] Madeleine Junevitch: Oh, absolutely.
So yes, I am an introvert. Even in school when you’re a kid, school and college, I never really liked the group settings. I’m going to be honest; I would show up for some of the hot topic Wednesdays. I would never join the Zoom or whatever platform they’re using. I would just watch the live stream on Facebook.

They offer so many group sessions that you can get on and communicate with the wonderful mentors that they have, like Elizabeth Gaines, she’s amazing. But I never tuned into the group settings of that. I was just more on my own studying my own thing. Then I’d watch the videos every now and then.
Every student has to go through practicals and client reviews and onboarding and all that kind of stuff. So, when I actually got there, you work one-on-one with a mentor, and you basically have this assignment/presentation that you have to prepare for. Those were actually really cool.
Becoming An FDN: Learning from Different Experts
So, I am introverted, but then when I have something to talk about, just like this podcast, I can’t stop talking. I found it very interesting and I tried to set my client reviews and then my practicals all with different people. That way I could get more experience working with different people instead of just like saying, oh, I just want one mentor for everything.

I wanted to reach out and see different teaching styles and see different feedback of what their expertise they had to share with me. That was pretty cool that we have the option to work with a bunch of different mentors instead of just one like professor. So yeah, that’s pretty cool.
And they do offer a lot of support with fellow trainees as well as mentors. Then, you can even on Fridays, get on a call with Reed himself and ask questions if you want to. That’s all really cool that they offer that. I’m just a very introverted person and I like to stay away from groups. I just like working on my puzzles, aka the FDN practicals that they give us.
[00:16:14] Detective Ev: Nice. Well, I’m glad you liked it. I’m almost so jealous of you guys because, and you know this, I love talking to people. I’m back and forth cause I am predominantly extroverted; no one would argue that. But it’s very specific to certain goals or objectives that I have.
Becoming An FDN: The FDN Course Support Has Expanded
It’s amazing to me how many people, I won’t say if it’s family or friends, but there’s certain groups of people in my life that actually do consider me an introvert because I just don’t talk when I’m in those group settings cause I don’t feel like I have anything to share. I don’t really relate. And it’s usually when the topic is like sports or movies or something like that. I’m not condemning this, I’m just saying that I don’t relate to that at all. So, I have a very hard time talking about it.
But when you get me going on the topics that I love, then, I mean, forget about it, right? You’re lucky to get a word in or two. That’s why I do the podcast. It preps me to have more conversational conversations with people.

I’m always jealous because when I went through six years ago, we had like five or six one-on-one mentorship sessions if I’m not mistaken. It was always with the same mentor who, I got lucky with that cause I had Brandon Molle. Most people wouldn’t even know the name nowadays unless you’re already in AFDNP or you’ve been here for a while. But Brandon’s awesome. He’s been doing this for about 10 years. He was great, but I would’ve loved to be able to go into a group from day one and talk to, I mean, what is the group right now, like 600 people that are training right, something like that?
[00:17:36] Madeleine Junevitch: Yes, the training group right now is probably multiple hundreds for sure. I would say like either, five or six hundred.
Becoming An FDN: An Amazing Client Testimonial
[00:17:42] Detective Ev: Just, yeah, that would’ve been amazing to do. And hey, that’s not going anywhere obviously. So, definitely something to look forward to if you’re considering the FDN course.

One thing I wanted to shout out for you is you actually already have an amazing client testimonial. Just so people understand how this works, you’re like, well, how can she have a client testimonial, she didn’t graduate? Okay, FDN does not allow you to do anything legally. There’s just nothing legal behind it. You are basically allowed to facilitate the lab orders through FDN, that’s something of course. But outside of that, I mean, there’s nothing that an FDN does per se, other than our training, that can’t be done without FDN in terms of legal stuff. I hope that makes sense.
As you guys know, I always say this, and this is the truth. I don’t really take on clients. It’s very rare that I do that. I don’t shout it out on this show. I’m not just doing that to be nice to FDN and like, not focused just on myself, I really do not take on clients one-on-one. It’s not my thing overall, and I’m doing a bunch of other stuff.
So, what we do have though is this in-person business, and we figured this would be the perfect way for Maddy to take on some clients. Once she got to a certain point in the course, we’re like, all right, you definitely can take on comfortably and ethically, because we want to provide a good value to the client. We said, all right, we can definitely take this client on, on a smaller package.
Becoming An FDN: A Skeptical Client
We have something in our business that we call our Jumpstart package, where we do the MRT Food sensitivity test and the Metabolic Typing diet. These are two tests taught in the FDN course. Then we give three consults with that.
I’m still amazed because this could not have been a better thing for you to get experience with because every FDN will get stories like this. There’s no doubt about it. But for you to get this from day one, fairly easily, I guess, compared to most clients, I thought this was amazing.
Can you talk to us about the client, how you worked with him, what happened? Just, I mean, feel free to go into it. I think this is such a beautiful story.

[00:19:29] Madeleine Junevitch: Yeah, absolutely. So, I started working with this client. He’s actually been a friend of yours for a long time. He’s highly skeptical. Obviously, he could see that it’s worked for you, it’s worked for your mom, and you’ve had great testimonials from other people that you’ve worked with. But just as like a naturally skeptical person, he was kind of like, all right, I guess I’ll give it a chance. We’ll see how this goes.
So, we did the Metabolic Typing test to see what kind of diet he would naturally do better on. Then also he wanted to run the mediator release test. That is like one of the most accurate food sensitivity tests. We got the results back and found out that he was like highly reactive to eggs and that’s something that he’s been eating every day for years.
Becoming An FDN: Diet Shifting Alone Success
But just to go into his backstory a little bit, he’s been struggling with depression, anxiety, concentration issues. Really struggled with a lot of the same symptoms that I was working on, struggled with being able to stay energized throughout the day. He would have a lot of crashes, sometimes he’d have anger outbursts, high irritability, all those kinds of things. It kept getting worse for him.
He had a beautiful baby girl, born recently. I think that was his aha moment. Like, okay, I need to change something. He wanted to be a better father to her, and that’s really commendable. So, he finally agreed to work with us.

We ran some tests, found some things that came back. This is just diet shifting alone, we didn’t look at anything else. Honestly, I would love to do a full workup and have him agree to that. I would love to see what’s going on further, like under the surface. But just from diet alone, I get on the consultation with him.
So, first consult we have, cause there’s three total in this program, the first consult, we kind of went over results. It’s a lot to take in, that’s about an hour long. He kind of was just writing things down. It’s like, okay, yeah, yeah, I understand, these sorts of things. He needs to take these foods out, implement this. He was following that pretty well.
Then by the second consult, about two weeks later, he gets on the phone and is like, Maddy, I haven’t felt this good since I was 14. I am not having crashes anymore, not struggling with the symptoms that I’ve had for so long. I can’t believe it’s only been a week and a half, and I feel this good already.
Becoming An FDN: The Moment That Sealed the Deal
To be honest, he was following a lot of like the protocols that we had outlined, but then also, he was cheating every now and then. Like sure, he’d still have some gluten, he would occasionally have some salmon that he was reactive to.
You know, we don’t expect you to cut out everything overnight and do it perfectly. We want it to be realistic for people because this is like a lifestyle change. So, we don’t want you to be discouraged if you can’t get it perfectly the first time. He was doing the best he could and honestly, he did a great job. Obviously, the results are speaking for themselves.
But going from consult one hearing how slow he was talking, how low tone it was, just, you could feel through the phone just how tired and defeated and deflated he felt, you could feel that. To go into the second phone call where he’s high energy, he’s happy. You can just feel this uplifted spirit.

That moment right there, that’s what told me, like, I made the right choice. This is what I’m supposed to be doing. This is what’s going to fulfill my longing to help people. Just hearing him speak so highly of it, like his words, I haven’t felt this good in like 13 years. I wanted to just dance on the moon right there because that just made me feel so happy for him that this system, it does work.
[00:23:20] Detective Ev: Yeah. I remember being in the other room when the consult was happening, not that he cares if I listened in, again, it’s my friend. It’s someone that, you know, I’m just letting them do their thing or whatever.
Becoming An FDN: Up from a Very Low Point
And I remember being in the other room and overhearing this. I’m like, there is no way, this is what he’s saying this early on. I remember opening the door and we just, all three of us, had this powerful moment.
Cause I’m like, dude, I’m not eavesdropping, just so you know. But this is incredible. Like I’ve known this guy for several years at this point. To see him go through this and have the courage to do that and then see the results that he got, it was amazing.
So just to be clear, I mean, I love FDN just as much as the next FDN, but I wouldn’t even expect this to happen this fast most of the time. I think this is a result of someone who, they were not doing really anything health-wise prior to coming to us, where most people usually are. So, here you have someone take very accurate actions from day one of their health journey and they’ve never really done anything else.
Cause normally you’re in that cycle of trial and error that we’ve talked about on this show before, you’re kind of just like, all right, what works? Maybe I’ll take this supplement or that one or try this diet or this diet. He’s never really tried much of anything else. So, for him to take these very accurate actions from day one, it just led to exceptional results so quickly.

This is a guy; he shares his story publicly. He’s actually going to come on the podcast cause he has spoken professionally in the mental health space. You guys will love his episode once he comes around here, and it will be sometime in April. This is a guy who was suicidal at one point.
Becoming An FDN: A Waiting List Before Graduation
It makes you think how many people out there by the way are suicidal and don’t realize that this can be dietary, which is just both sad as it is encouraging. It’s encouraging in the sense that, okay, we can do a lot for these people. It’s sad because obviously we know not all of them are going to know about this unfortunately. So, it’s kind of our duty to spread this around to as many people as possible, I would say.
With all that said, I just think that’s amazing, Maddy. I think it’s so cool that that was basically your first experience with this. Then you are literally not even graduated yet and already have your next client coming up, right?
[00:25:17] Madeleine Junevitch: Correct. Yes. I am currently in the process of working with her.

[00:25:20] Detective Ev: Awesome. Listen, I get that we have the in-person business, and I would not deny that that helps a little bit, but this just shows that you can set clients up prior to you even graduating, guys. We have people that go through the course all the time that have like a four or five person wait list waiting for them to graduate because they want to utilize the lab testing on them. It’s just amazing. It’s exciting to see what you’re going to do with this.
What is your vision of the future with FDN? Cause I know it’s not like necessarily forever for you, but I think it’d be cool for the people to get to hear like what’s next on your list and plate.
Becoming An FDN: Maddy’s Vision for the Future
[00:25:56] Madeleine Junevitch: Honestly, what’s next is I just want to keep helping people and changing lives. Like just the education process is huge. When I went through FDN, my paradigm shifted. I got a whole new way of thinking. Like you said, there’s so many people out there who just don’t even realize that a lot of their issues, whether it’s mental health, physical health, or a mix of both, can be, I guess, reversed and the healing process can happen. We just have to have the right education for it.

Honestly, I just want to help spread the word. I want to work with as many people as I can. I want to help change as many people as I can, like get them back on their healing journey and just tell them like, you have the power to change. You have the power to heal. It’s not hopeless. You don’t have to be on medications for the rest of your life if you don’t want to.
Now, there’s a sidebar for some people, of course, like medications are lifesaving, they might actually really be necessary in some cases. But in a lot of scenarios, we don’t need them.
I just want to really try to help as many people as I can and live in some pretty cool places while I do it. Cause we can do this from all at home on our computer.
[00:27:03] Detective Ev: Yeah, I swear that was just as much of a sell for you as the health side is this idea that you could go kind of wherever you want, whenever you want. That’s like your dream, I feel like.
Madeleine Junevitch: 100%, yes.
Becoming An FDN: Madeleine’s Ideal Client
Detective Ev: Awesome. I know that right now we kind of all actually technically work together in a certain sense in terms of website and things, but whether it’s Instagram, email, wherever you want people to contact you, I’m sure there’s going to be someone out there that wants to work with you.
Prior to that, I should get to, I know that we have our little side projects that we’re working on, but outside of those, who is Maddy’s ideal client? Like if someone’s listening to this right now and they’re thinking, okay, I like Maddy, she’s awesome. Would she want to work with me? Who’s your ideal client when you envision them?

[00:27:46] Madeleine Junevitch: Absolutely. My ideal client is someone who’s going to be a lot like myself, like younger, middle-aged area, and just thinking that they’ve had enough. They know they can heal, but they don’t know where to start. I really want to just help people take back the power of their health. I will work with just about anybody, but who I prefer is probably like younger adults for sure. Just because I can relate to them a little bit more, kind of talk the lingo.
Where to Find Madeleine Junevitch
[00:28:14] Detective Ev: Yeah, that’s totally fine. And where can people find you, Instagram wise, Facebook wise, whatever, if they are wanting to do that.

[00:28:21] Madeleine Junevitch: Sure. I’m actually still getting all my social media set up, kind of transferring my personal accounts to this more FDN focused account. But you guys can find me on instagram @madeleine.emiko. That’s on Instagram or search for me, Madeline Junevitch on Facebook.
You guys could also find me on our business website, Just fill out the information to contact one of our FDN practitioners, and I will most likely be the person answering the phone call, texting back, email, whatever have you.
[00:28:53] Detective Ev: And just to be clear, guys, I’ve said this a million times before, obviously, Maddy and the other people I’ll bring on, my friends that are going through the course, like that is their business. So, they’re more than welcome to shout this out. This is not work with Ev. That’s not how that’s going to go. This is for people who are looking to work with Maddy because you resonated with her story in one way or another.
All right, Madeline, you know already, because you’ve listened to so many of these, that I have to ask you the signature question on the Health Detective Podcast. I actually don’t know how you’re going to answer this, so this is interesting to me.
The question that I will ask you is, if we could give you a magic wand and you could get every single person in this world to do one thing for their health, whether that is literally do one thing or stop doing one thing, what is the one thing that Maddy would get them to do?
Signature Podcast Question
[00:29:41] Madeleine Junevitch: You know, I’ve listened to so many of these episodes and like a couple of other people have been on, it’s not going to be just one thing. So, here is my list.

Number one, get sunrise, get outside in the morning, get sunrise every day if you can. It’s extremely important for setting your circadian rhythm. Number two, really, really, really, really try to cut out alcohol, gluten, and excess sugar. That is really just creating a toxic environment. Long term it can do a lot of damage. Then number three, do not work night shift. I know someone’s gotta do it, but I have done it personally for half a year and that’s when things really started taking a turn for the worse. So, if you’re on night shift, try everything in your power, get back to that normal circadian rhythm. We need sunlight, guys. Light is a nutrient for our bodies.
[00:30:33] Detective Ev: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Especially the night shift thing. I don’t comment on these normally, but yeah, if you’re going to do anything, don’t do that, please.
Maddy, thank you so much for coming on. This is amazing. I’m sure this is not the only time that we will get to hear you on here.
You guys, I’m telling you, if you even remotely enjoyed this, just wait till you get our goofball couple friends on, because that’s a circus. It’s entertaining to watch from the outside. But Maddy, today, I appreciate you very much coming on and saving me for this wisdom tooth thing, sharing your story, and hopefully just inspiring some people.
[00:31:03] Madeleine Junevitch: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on.
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