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Department of Energy User Facility Launches Platform for Analyzing Biological and Environmental Research Data


Newswise — The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) has launched the Data Transformations Integrated Research Platform (IRP) to help researchers from the world to  turn their research data into usable streams. 

Through the new IRP, a range of innovative and standardized workflows are under development to help scientistis transform their scientific data into more manageable sets of information, make the data more accessible and analyses more reproducible, and facilitate the creation of models and visualization tools that help tell a larger story from the data. In addition to rigorous statistical methods, the IRP is applying machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a broad array of techniques to streamline computational processes for data transformation and make them more accessible. 

“We are creating the Data Transformations IRP as a way to accelerate delivering the scientific value of data we gather here,” said Jay Bardhan, leader of EMSL’s Computation, Analytics, and Modeling science area. “The goal is to help everyone approach and access data pertaining to their experiments more easily.”

As a Department of Energy (DOE) user facility, EMSL provides proposal call opportunities to researchers who, if awarded funding, have access to EMSL instrumentation and resources at no cost. EMSL is sponsored by DOE’s Biological and Environmental Research Program and is located on the campus of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash. 

Learn more about this new IRP.


Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory – EMSL

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