Denver, Colorado Local News
Denverite Classifieds: July 29, 2024
It’s almost a new month! Time for a new friend?
Meet a mom looking for other punk parents, an aspiring survivalist, a Gen X boyfriend who needs to get out of the house, and others.
Want to put yourself out there too? Submit your own classified here.
How does this all work again? Read more here.
XMAMAX (33, HIGHLANDS) Looking for other moms (or dads) who are former punk musicians. Let’s drink PBRs and scream & sing & write — about anything other than naptime, legos, and PBJs.
RUNNING INTROVERT (35, SE Denver) Introvert that somehow convinced himself running would be a fun hobby, and fell in love with it. Looking for friends/running partners/whatever who are also into board games, reading, and, somehow, karaoke.
PROFESSIONAL YAPPER, WORKS BEST IN DAYTIME (24F) Looking for fun people to gather for paint sessions, coffee dates, or paddle board days. Yapping about books or dogs included.
GF WANTS ME TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE (SLO-HI) Socially maladroit Gen-Xer seeks fellow oddballs for making bad art, wandering erratically, and confabulating gleefully about sports, politics, culture, and philosophy.
ASPIRING SURVIVALIST (31, CBD) Looking for people to prep with for the apocalypse. Climate change, zombies, etc. Let’s get together to learn survival skills and have mimosas while we take on the end times!