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Daughter on TikTok, Sharing About Her Empty Nest Mom, Has Us in Tears


Parents have dreams; sometimes, having a family means those dreams go on hold, hopefully not forever. When Rachel Sevcik went to college, she reminded her mother that her second act was just the beginning. She gave her mom, a new empty nester who was celebrating her 52nd birthday, a notebook to begin writing, an inspirational sign saying, “TRY,” and a note that read, “Mom, try, try what you’ve always wanted to but didn’t because you were putting us first.”

Every parent sacrifices for their kids; it comes with the job description…but a TikTok like this acknowledges that sacrifice…let’s say we are in tears. It is a moment every parent hopes for.

You can hear the pride in Rachel’s voice when she explains her mom’s empty nest career. “She’d always wanted to be a writer. In the eight years since, she’s joined writer’s groups, published a short story, co-authored a book, just started her first book, and is starting her second one now,” Rachel explains. “She’s turning 60 in about a month, and now, when people ask me what my mom does, I say she’s a writer.”

Of all the great moments in this video, the best may have been something Rachel said early on as she introduced us to her mom and said the words we all hope to hear, “… she is just the greatest mom.”


Lisa Endlich Heffernan

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