Dating & Love
Dating profile resolutions for 2023 — mysinglefriend blog
January is traditionally the busiest time of year for online dating as people are focussed on making changes and switching things up. With that in mind, here are a few simple ways to refresh your MySingleFriend profile and make 2023 the year you meet The One…
update your photos
Be honest with yourself: do your pictures genuinely reflect how you look now? If not, it’s time for a change. There’s no point in pretending to be someone you aren’t, as you’ll find you rarely get a second date. Get a friend to take some new ones, following the golden rules of good profile shots: a smiling, colourful, head and shoulders shot.
tell people who you are
Get specific about who you are and what your interests are. Don’t say you’re a foodie, explain your passion for Andalusian recipes. Don’t say you like films, say you love the work of Francis Ford Coppola. Adding detail allows people to get a real idea of who you are, as well as offering great hooks to open a conversation.
explain what you’re looking for
Obviously you’re looking for a date, but where do you want that date to lead? Are you looking for a bit of fun or a long term relationship? Do you want kids or are you after a partner to join you on a footloose and fancy free life of travel adventure. Being precise about your hopes and dreams will make the process of finding someone who shares them much quicker.
Be upbeat
In the doldrums of January everyone is feeling a bit bleak so make sure your profile is the complete opposite. Ensure your pictures are colourful and joyful and keep your description positive by avoiding moaning, banging on about your ex or talking about past dating disappointments. A little bit of cheer will go a very long way.
don’t get downhearted
It’s rare for someone to click with the first person they meet when dating online, so don’t fret if meeting someone you like takes a while. If a date doesn’t work out, try not to take it to heart. There’s someone out there for everyone so get back on MySingleFriend and keep searching.
Fancy a date? Join now!
Karen Dickinson
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