Video Gaming
Darkest Dungeon II: Binding Blade Review – Bound for Greatness
Darkest Dungeon II: Binding Blade DLC on PC
When it comes to expansions, the Darkest Dungeon series is held in fairly high regard thanks to its exceptional expansions for the first game. Given this, it’s little surprise fans have been eagerly anticipating the Binding Blade DLC for Darkest Dungeon II.
Offering two new characters to choose from and an extended in-game quest that impacts runs, the new content held the potential to give players plenty of new content that builds on the base game’s solid foundation. Or at least, it did in theory. In practice, it could bog down the experience with yet more mechanics and features to juggle, further increasing the difficulty of an already punishing game.
Luckily, I can safely report that Darkest Dungeon II: Binding Falls in the former camp. It not only builds on what came before it, but does so in ways that elevate the experience substantially.
How the Binding Blade DLC does this is interesting too. In keeping with the game’s roguelike design, it works its new features and mechanics directly into runs via an optional quest players can undertake. While active, said quest tasks them with tracking down the Crusader Reynauld by accepting a trophy tied to him and tracking down key items scattered throughout areas and across several runs.
Said runs are also filled with powerful new enemies. Overcoming them requires both careful choices and exact tactics as well as the ability to weigh sacrifices, making it the perfect challenge for those who have overcome the base game’s toughest foes.
It’s by no means an easy feat, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little frustrating that I had to fight through several runs to complete what was otherwise a simple quest quest. Likewise, the usual RNG elements could hamper my progress as well, with unfortunately timed crits on my characters preventing me from claiming a crucial quest item at the last minute.
However, the game does cut the player some breaks when it comes to completing the DLC storyline. Namely, key items that are collected aren’t permanently lost upon a run’s completion, and can be retrieved at the Inn found at the start of each run. It’s a small kindness, but it makes a huge difference and keeps the content from feeling insurmountable.
At worst, players might need to cycle through a few runs until they get some good RNG in terms of their early areas to ensure they can get far enough in a run to make tangible progress in the DLC.

Its also worth noting that the DLC’s other new character, Sahar the Duelist, makes said runs considerably easier. Available from the get-go, she acts more as a maneuverable attacker capable of high damage hit and run tactics. Her abilities prove useful not only in fights tied to the DLC, but in standard battles as well, especially given she synergizes so well with just about all of the game’s other characters and party formations.
And of course, once they’ve gotten far enough to recruit Reynauld, players will have yet another powerful fighter in their tool kit. Filling a specific niche via a tank-ier build and the ability to self-heal regularly, he can fill plenty of difficult roles within one’s crew that make clearing even high-level runs that much easier.
To top it all off, the DLC managed to do more than just offer some fun new content to dig into — it made the base game more fun to play as well. Even well after clearing the core quest of the expansion, I was eager to keep doing runs to see how the Duelist synergized with a given character or how well the Crusader could handle a certain area.
It was the shot in the arm the game needed to become exciting again, and players who lost interest after the game’s initial release should find exactly what they need to fall in love with the game all over again.
Minor gripes aside, Darkest Dungeon II: Binding Blade is an exemplary expansion to the already impressive base game. Those who have been playing the game since its launch earlier this year will find plenty to sink their teeth into via the new characters and content, while newcomers will have a few more great reasons to give the game a chance.
DLC Quest Changes the Game in Noticeable Ways
Duelist and Crusader Characters Are a Blast to Use
New Characters Reinvigorate the Base Game
Can Be Tedious to Do Multiple Runs to Unlock all DLC Content
Release Date
Dec. 11, 2023
Red Hook Studios
Red Hook Studios
Copy provided by Publisher
Keenan McCall
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