DANVERS — Beginning Monday, March 25, the Danvers Water Division will be conducting its annual flushing program of the water distribution system.
The flushing is expected to take approximately five weeks to complete, and a combination of workday hours from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and 3 to 7 p.m. will be used to complete the program.
Flushing is typically completed annually in the spring to remove sediment which has settled out and collected in the system over the course of the year.
The flushing will begin in between Routes 62 and 114 from the Middleton line to the Interstate 95 corridor and will be flushed in a southeasterly direction finishing in the Danversport area. Work is expected in this first area for approximately three days. During this time, residents may notice some discoloration of the water when first used.
The Danvers Water Division suggests limiting the use of water during this period. and if your water is not clear by the time the flushing in your area has completed, run cold water from a tub spigot or sink faucet located in the highest point in your home for 15 minutes or until the water clears up. If it does not clear up, wait 30 minutes and try again. If you run water from a fixture that is serviced by an in-home water filter, the filter may clog and require replacement.
Any lasting problems should be reported to the Danvers Water Division at 978-762-0235.
A real-time map is available on the town’s web page, www.danversma.gov/777/2024-Flushing-Map to see where the flushing is occurring and how it is progressing. Any questions on the program should be directed to the Danvers Water Division number above.
Michael McHugh can be contacted at mmchugh@northofboston.com or at 781-799-5202