Danvers Town Meeting members must reconvene on Feb 26 in the Danvers High School auditorium for the sole purpose of taking a vote to adjourn and dissolve the meeting after the motion was overlooked at the end of the last Special Town Meeting on Feb 5.

After the conclusion of the discussion on the final warrant article of the night, the citizen’s petition to adopt a new bylaw to remove the town’s trash fee, the Town Moderator Patricia Fraser stated: “That concludes our Town meeting. Thank you very much and have safe travels home.” According to a letter from Fraser and Select Board Chair David Mills, there were no objections made or points of order raised at that time.

Town Counsel David DeLuca first considered if the Town Moderator’s words and subsequent actions by Town Meeting Members constituted an actual or “constructive dissolution” of the Special Town Meeting, but ultimately determined that the only authority that can dissolve the Town Meeting is a motion and vote of Town Meeting.

This means that before the items in the warrant can be given effect, a quorum must be reconvened in order to dissolve the Town Meeting, as it technically remains open.

“We are mindful that this is an inconvenience to each of you and appreciate your cooperation under these unusual circumstances. Thank you,” read the letter from the Town Moderator and Select Board Chair.

There is no discussion of the warrant articles planned for the Feb 26th meeting, and the sole item will be a motion to dissolve.

By Michael McHugh Staff Writer

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