Crab Cake Burger
There are surely as many crab cake recipes as fish in the sea, but this one stands out for its purity, lightness, and no-fuss technique. I appreciated that it’s all about the crab here, with minimal interference from other fanciful ingredients. The “burgers” were incredibly light, delicate, and crab-forward—all good things, in my book.
A few tweaks. Old Bay seasoning includes celery salt, so adding more for flavor can also set the sodium balance off-kilter, so caution should be used. We are generous salt shakers in my house, but these crab cakes tasted ever-so-slightly too salty after my addition of more Old Bay per the recipe’s suggestion. Also, I would use a few more saltines to sprinkle over the crab cakes before cooking.
The crab cakes did hold together during cooking, much to my surprise!
Finally, I liked the casual serving on burger buns or rolls, especially for a summer dinner, and I might even suggest that these could be made half-size and placed on smaller slider buns for a fun and different approach.
However, taking the purist appreciation one step further, I would argue that these would be equally nice served bread-free as a more elegant entrée with any number of sauces on the side. The airy texture and nearly unadulterated crab flavor would really shine without the distraction of the bready book-ends!
David Leite
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