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Could Prince Harry Apply For US Unemployment Benefits?


Married to a US citizen, could Prince Harry apply for US unemployment benefits? If so, it’s a good guess, but he’d certainly have to drop the title of Prince. Instead, he would be just Harry Windsor Mountbatten. Hmmm, that still sounds a little titled.

Indeed, as Harry Markle, he’d qualify, but would he want to surrender his name and title to become Harry Markle? Will it pay for the 16 toilets at his home in Montecito? Sure. Maybe. Who knows?

Harry’s allowance was canceled by his father, King Charles, as Harry quit his job working for the firm. Harry wanted to branch out and do his own thing. But the dollars are tight. Or short. Or slipping away.

Those designer clothes the bride wears are not sold at bargain basement racks or rates. And designers like Victoria Beckham are rumored to refuse to give away freebies.

So Harry needs a job. Meanwhile, could he receive unemployment? The paperwork alone may add up to the same number of pages in Harry’s book SPARE, producing another challenge.

By the way, a little reminder: Henry VIII was a spare, as were Queen Elizabeth I, Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Bill Gates, Martha Stewart, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Princess Diana, and countless others who were successful and never demeaned their position in the family line of succession by giving up! Their attitude seems to be, “So what!”

So will Harry apply for unemployment, return to England and work for the firm, or get rid of at least ten toilets?

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