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Could legal marijuana in Ohio be purchased by June? – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


AKRON, Ohio — Issue 2, passed by Ohio voters last November, authorizes the legal sale of recreational marijuana in Ohio with the state required to have applications for dispensaries ready by June 7.

The expectation was the first legal sales of adult-use recreational marijuana would not start until at least September.

Now, state lawmaker, Rep. Jamie Calendar of Concord, said publicly it could happen as soon as June.

Klutch Cannabis, an Akron headquartered cultivator, says it will be ready to go.

“I’m not willing to say, hey, I think it’s going to be this date, because I think I’m more about trusting in the process here,” said Pete Nischt, Vice President of Compliance for Klutch Cannabis.

The Ohio Division of Cannabis Control is in the process of creating rules for lawmakers to adopt.

“There’s actually been a number of rule packages and I think that the very first one they put forward was about dual licensure. So conversion of existing medical marijuana entities that are licensed by the state program and operating in good standing you know kind of a quick conversion over to an adult use license,” said Nischt.

Fox 8 News reached out to Calendar on Monday but was unable to connect with the state representative with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, but was unable to connect with him to talk about the potential of seeing recreational marijuana sales…

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