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Cops nab 30-year-old man from APMC; seize 1.5 kg of marijuana – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Mumbai: Caretaker held for stealing jewellery worth ₹12.5 lakh | Representative Image

The Agricultural Produce Market Committee police arrested a 30-year-old man from grain corridor of the Vashi APMC last week. The cops seized 1.5 kg of marijuana (ganja) worth Rs 20,000 he possessed.

Possession, consumption and sale of marijuana is banned in India.

The arrested accused was identified as Shahrukh Abdul Shaikh and he was caught selling the contraband in Grain Market on Friday night. APMC police were acting on a tip off received.

Police acting on tip off

The police officials said that they got a tip off that a person was selling ganja in the market and accordingly they police inspector Anjum Bagwan and his team rushed to the location and nabbed the arrestee who was moving around suspiciously.

When the police frisked him, five small plastic bags containing marijuana. The police seized the ganja and questioned him about where he got the contraband from; he remaned evasive while answering their queries.

The police registered a case against Sheikh under the NDPS section and arrested him.

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