So many beautiful flowers grow well during the cooler temperatures of mild winters, but buying several transplants for flowers can be expensive. Luckily, many flowers grow well from seeds planted directly in the garden. In this post, I’ll share my favorite cool-season flowers to plant from seed.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #1: Calendula

- Edible; medicinal uses.
- Reseeds easily.
- Early bloomer.
- Often grown as a trap crop for aphids.
- Keep deadheaded to encourage blooms.
Read this article for more information about how to grow calendula.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #2: Cornflower (Bachelor Buttons)

- Reseeds easily.
- Good cut flower.
- Many colors are available.
- Easy to grow.
- Keep deadheaded to encourage blooms.
Read this article for more information about how to grow bachelor buttons.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #3: Marigold

- Good companion plant in the garden.
- Reseeds easily.
- Easy to grow.
- Needs regular water.
- Cutting central stem early produces fuller branching stems.
- Keep deadheaded to encourage blooms.
This article shares more information about how to grow marigolds.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #4: Hollyhock

- Cottage garden favorite.
- Many hollyhocks are biennials that grow strong root systems and foliage the first year. In the second year, they send up flowering shoots that produce seeds and then die.
This article shares more information about how to grow hollyhocks.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #5: Nasturtium

- Edible.
- Good companion and trap crop.
- Overly-rich soil results in fewer blooms.
- Reseeds readily.
This article shares more information about how to grow nasturtiums.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #6: Poppy

- Many different varieties (California, Shirley, Iceland).
- Reseeds easily.
- Seed pods are beautiful.
- Needs regular water.
- Easy to grow.
Read this article for more information about how to grow poppies.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #7: Strawflower

- Cutting central stem early produces fuller branching stems.
- Keep deadheaded to encourage blooms.
- Good cut flower.
- Excellent for drying.
This article shares more information about how to grow strawflowers.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #8: Sweet Peas

- Prefer rich soil.
- Need regular water.
- Provide support or trellis for growing plants.
Read this article for more information about how to grow sweet peas.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #9: Alyssum

- If planted from seed, thin seedlings.
- Easy to grow.
- Grows well in the sun or part shade.
- Reseeds easily.
This article shares more information about how to grow alyssum.

10 Easiest Cool-Season Flowers to Plant From Seed #10: Larkspur

- Wildflower; reseeds heavily.
- Several colors.
- Easy to grow.
- Attracts hummingbirds.

Other cool-season flowers to plant from seed include African daisy, flax, and forget-me-not.

Looking for more ideas? Check out this post about my favorite cool-season flowers that love mild winters.
Visual planting guides for vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers & vines.

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
• PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
• BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.
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