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Consignment Sales for Kids You Cannot Miss


Looking for consignment sales near Greenville, SC? There is just no better bang for your buck on kid’s clothing and gear than local consignment sales. We have all the local consignment sale details for sales in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson, SC so you won’t miss a thing!

This article includes:
Consignment Sales Events in Upstate, SC
Consignment Stores in Upstate, SC
Top Tips for Shopping Consignment Events

It’s time to start thinking about those seasonal clothing needs. Not to mention the huge selection of baby gear you can find at children’s consignment events. And the best part – consignment sales are the absolute best way to stretch your clothing budget to the max. You can find gently used items, many of which are name brands or high quality!

Many sales offer pre-sales not only for consignors and volunteers but also for first-time moms (or moms-to-be) and sometimes even grandparents. Be sure to see the websites listed for all the important details.

For simplicity’s sake, only public sale dates and times are included in this directory.

Bi-Annual Consignment Sales in Upstate, SC

Greenville Events:

  • February 17th – 19th, 2023

Greenville Convention Center
1 Exposition Drive, Greenville

Spartanburg Events:

  • March 17th – 19th, 2023

Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium
385 North Church Street, Spartanburg

Anderson Events

  • January 31st – February 4th, 2023

Anderson Civic Center
3027 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Anderson

Greenville Events

  • March 28th – April 1st, 2023

Greenville Convention Center
1 Exposition Drive, Greenville

Consignment Stores in Upstate, SC

These children’s consignment stores local to the Upstate regularly offer seasonal sales. You can find lots of gently used and new clothing, toys, and more without breaking the bank!

You can also find women’s clothing at these Upstate consignment stores. They also regularly have special deals, seasonal sales, and more to help enhance your wardrobe while keeping your spending within the budget.

Top Tips When Consignment Shopping

#1. Sign up to volunteer as a worker at the event to shop early and snag the best deals.

#2. Invite a friend or family member to help you shop at the event! You will need passes for everyone shopping, so this is where volunteering can help cut the cost!

#3. Leave the kids at home (if you can)! Focus is key when searching the racks, but long lines and the lack of kid-friendly fun involved can really slow you down.

#4. Shopping at these sales events can take a long time, so be prepared. It will be worth it when you take home several outfits for a fraction of the price.

#5. Take a stroller or large laundry basket if possible. This will help with sorting, carrying, and sifting through the mountains of clothes.

#6. Know what you want to look for beforehand. Make a list ( swimwear, holiday wear, special clothing, etc) so you know where to go and what to look for first.

#7. Keep a list of your children’s current and future sizes. You definitely do not want to spend all of that time shopping for clothes that you end up not being able to use!

#8. Measure your child before you shop! Arms, legs, feet, inseams, measure it all! Many brands have slight differences in these measurements, and you will not be able to return items after purchase.

#9. Make a budget. Always budget out how much you’re wanting to spend (and then take a little extra cash just in case).

#10. Make a plan. Go to the racks of sizes you need first, or if you need new shoes start there first. If you need clothes for boys, go there first because there tend to be fewer boys’ clothes at consignment events.

#11. Pull more than you need, and decide later what you want to buy. This way, you avoid the dreaded turn back for it to have been picked over by another shopper. Once your basket is full, you can sort through the pieces you have and put back what you do not want then.

#12. Do not buy clothes with stains, tears, or such. These will lose you money in the long run because they will not hold up to normal wear and tear. Shop gently used only.

#13. Measure all outfits you plan to buy! After sorting, go through and quick measure arms, inseams, legs, etc to make sure they will fit your child before purchasing.

#14. Always bring a calculator! This way you can make sure you are staying within budget, while also picking out the pieces that will be most important and useful to your child’s wardrobe.

 #15: Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and enjoy saving money the rest of the year.

What’s your strategy for shopping the big consignment sales?


Bethany Winston

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