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Compost Wrecked Her Garden | The Survival Gardener
Anne shares yet another story of Dow Agrosciences &$*#ing up a garden:
“I made a decision to add compost to my garden in March 2023. I kept hearing/reading about how it would benefit the soil. After working the compost into our large garden (4800 sq ft), a new smaller garden (950 sq ft), plus an area of the yard that we’re converting to native grasses, flowers and herbs (500 sq ft), I planted 86 heirloom tomatoes and some peppers all that I started, beans, squash, zucchini, okra, pumpkins, and sunflowers. Within 7 days I began seeing the new growth on the transplants curling. The germination of the direct sown seeds was 5-10%. Those that did germinate were severely affected. The squash appears unaffected. Some of sunflowers and okra were affected. That was in early May. Thankfully, had not planted native garden. We removed 12 inches of dirt from the entire 500 sq ft area and replaced with uncontaminated topsoil. That area was then planted and is fine.
The person who had the compost had sprayed Grazon 2 years prior and didn’t think it would be an issue.
Wish I’d known. Lot of tears and extra work. However, I’m grateful I’ve not noticed any illness in me from working in the contaminated soil. What has grown and produced has not tasted normal. I planted corn in the 950 sq ft area and about a third of the 4800 sq ft garden. Can’t bring myself to eat it now even though it looks great.
We will probably till the two larger gardens this fall and plant grass. I do not want to put all the work in and take a chance on it again. Such an expensive mistake on my part for not asking the right questions. I had no idea such a toxic chemical with such a long half-life existed or would be allowed to be used in any country.”
This type of contamination is evil and the people that facilitate it through the invention, production, promotion and application these herbicides are participating in evil. We can no longer trust manure, hay, straw, compost, and sometimes even potting soil mixes. The level of destruction this has been causing to small gardens and farms is horrifying.
What happens if there’s a fertilizer shortage and the organic alternatives are all too contaminated with long-term toxins to allow food production?
Recycling manure and agricultural wastes by reapplying them to feed the soil goes back before the dawn of recoded history. Now in our modern age we’ve so poisoned everything that the nutrient loop is shattered.
This needs to stop.
David The Good
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