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Colombia Is Recalling 19.2 Tons of Defective Amazon Nose Candy Cocaine


BOGOTA, Colombia – (Drug Satire) – The CIA is reporting that one of South America’s leading drug cartels has just informed US drug dealers that they are recalling 19.2 tons of Amazon Nose Candy, which is one of the most potent cocaine drugs in the entire world.

Drug users who have taken ANC report feeling as if they were flying at 30,000 feet without a plane.

Others say that it makes you hallucinate like shit, and it can actually make you think that Donald J. Erasmus Trump is not a fucked up asshole, but instead is the nicest, kindest, non-racist individual in America. Now that is REALLY fucked up!

SIDENOTE: Vice-President Kamala Harris is commending the drug cartel for having the nads (balls) to recall the 19.2 tons of snow, which has a street value of a little over $590 million.


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