The tornado that hit Copeville and other parts of Collin County in 2015 did extensive damage. File Art

The Federal Emergency Management Agency predicts Collin County has a high risk of tornadoes this year, but that’s nothing new. For starters, more tornadoes have been recorded in Texas than in any other state — partly due to the state’s size.

An average of 132 tornadoes touch down in Texas each year. The annual total varies considerably, and certain areas are struck more often than others. Tornadoes occur with greatest frequency in the Red River Valley of North Texas.

Tornadoes may occur in any month and at any hour of the day, but they occur with greatest frequency during the late spring and early summer months, and between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

In the period 1951 to 2011, nearly 63% of all Texas tornadoes occurred within the three-month period of April, May, and June, with almost one-third of the total tornadoes occurring in May.

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Bob Wieland

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