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Christmas Lights Trigger Something In Me – Milsy Girl


A deep nostalgia.

The evenings are becoming darker and as I make my daily journey to collect my gorgeous girls from school I can’t help but notice the colourful glow of Christmas lights appearing on the houses.

Each day the streets become more magical as the trees and bushes are carefully draped with sparkling gaiety. Their shapes are defined by the lines of light and the twinkling electric snowflakes sway joyfully in the winter breeze.

The evening sky is transformed as a rainbow horizon rises from the multicoloured gardens. Flashing bursts of red, green, pink and blue trigger fond child hood memories from deep within. I can almost hear the warm laughter and exited giggles of my family on Christmas morning and I find myself longing for those innocent days. The anticipation of pulling carefully wrapped parcels from my stocking and the comforting familiarity of discovering an over ripe satsuma and a bag of chocolate coins buried deep at the bottom.

As I continue my journey on this dark winter evening the speeding traffic brings me back to the present day. My eye catches colourful shapes of inflated snowmen and a cheeky Santa climbing on a roof top. These imaginative characters always make me smile and I continue on with my evening routine holding a newly found dose of Christmas spirit in my heart.



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