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If you’re buying doors for your family home, the overall look isn’t the only thing you need to consider. Yes, style is important, but safety and functionality are equally crucial factors to think about.

In this article, we’ll cover each of these issues in more detail to help you make an informed decision and choose the right doors that are fit for purpose.


Family safety is always a major consideration, and the doors in your home are no exception. 

To protect the safety and security of your family and belongings, look for doors with substantial construction, reinforced frames, and strong locks. Steel doors, fibreglass doors, and doors with many locking points are all examples of doors with excellent safety features.


Of course, safety does not have to be sacrificed for fashion, especially with perfectly designed composite front doors. There are numerous door styles that can complement the architecture and décor of your home while also providing outstanding safety features. Classic timber doors, modern glass doors, and rustic barn-style doors are all examples of styles that can easily incorporate good security.

modern front door and hallway


When selecting the right doors for your family home, functionality is also important.

Doors that are simple to use, reduce noise, and deliver on energy efficiency can all make a significant impact in the overall functionality of your home. Sliding doors, French doors, and pocket doors are especially useful for families, since they allow easy access to your outdoor space without impacting on the usable space inside.


Another factor to consider when choosing doors for a family home is maintenance. Various types of doors may necessitate varying degrees of upkeep, so it’s critical to select a door that fits your lifestyle. Low-maintenance door materials such as fibreglass or steel may be a better choice for busy families.

yellow painted front door

Which doors are family-friendly?

Here are some examples of popular family-friendly doors:

  • Solid wood doors are strong and long lasting, making them excellent for families with children and high traffic areas. They also provide superior sound insulation, which can aid in noise reduction between rooms.
  • French doors can create an open and airy vibe in your house. They add elegance and beauty to a property, while also being practical and maximising natural light.
  • Sliding doors are a terrific option for families. They are simple to use and can save room in smaller houses. They also offer an unimpeded view of the outdoors, which is ideal for families with children who enjoy playing outside.
  • Dutch doors can be a fun and useful solution. They are separated horizontally, so you can open the top portion while keeping the bottom closed, which is excellent for keeping children and dogs inside or outdoors.

Choosing the right doors for your family means balancing safety, style, usefulness, and maintenance. By taking these things into account, you can make an informed decision that will give you and your loved ones the best possible living experience.


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