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Children’s Books to Get Historical Re-Write


Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Since Roald Dahl has been put through the politically correct ringer, some other dead children’s book writers are being dragged out of their graves to be given a re-write by people today who are better, stronger, smarter, more sensitive than anyone else in world history.

A.A.Milne, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, will be cut to shreds. A bear with no pants … pervert grooming children for fun times in the Hundred Acre Wood. So too Piglet. And the cruelty of Eeyore having his tail NAILED to his body! Sick!

C.S.Lewis, creator of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe … too much Christian symbolism, will offend non-Christians. And lions eat people, they don’t talk.

E.B. White, creator of Charlotte’s Web. This story is too sad for children to read. May be responsible for Generation X to have turned into sad losers. Spiders are not your friends, kids!

The Brothers Grimm … oh hell no! Cancel all that sick twisted – throw kids into the oven and the wolf dresses like grandma to eat you – lesbian symbolism!

J. M. Barrie, creator of Peter Pan … gay male symbolism, Lost Boys on an island, pirates together on a boat, no women except Wendy and a dog named Nana, a hook as phallic symbol, all wrapped up in a delusional child who refuses to grow up and accept the wonders and delight of being a bitter old adult for the rest of their life.

J.K. Rowling … good thing her books already made herself and her publisher a billion dollars, otherwise, her career would be over … many people are still working on how to balance ethics with having a fuck load of money!

And list goes on and on and always will, so anything you read to your kid today will likely be cancelled in the near future … and then who’s left?

Helen Bannerman, creator of Little Black Sambo?


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