Are you ready to start a fresh life in a different country soon? Well, you are not alone in this journey. According to a State Department report, roughly 9 million American citizens were residing abroad in 2020. A poll in 2022 reveals that around 15% of US citizens expressed their permanent departure from American land.

Perhaps you got a new job, plan to study abroad, or maybe plan to move overseas to give a better future to your family. Whatever your reasons, relocating to a new country to start a new life may seem exhilarating at first. However, this initial burst of enthusiasm may quickly wear off with the complexities and stresses of this entire process. But with proper planning and preparation, you can ensure your international move is seamless and filled with excitement.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of things you must check off to streamline the entire process and tackle any challenges that may occur head-on. So, let’s get started:

Get A Quote From The International Moving Company

Of course, you wish to make your international move a breeze, right? So, why do the labor-intensive work yourself when professionals can take the burden off your shoulders? Moreover, laws and regulations regarding international relocation vary from country to country. Thus, it makes sense to research reliable international movers and hire the ones that best suit your needs and budget.

That said, when it comes to international movers, Coleman Worldwide Moving stands at the top. With years of experience, they are a trusted name in the industry. They offer a wide range of services, including storage solutions, full-packing services, vehicle shipment, online shipping surveillance, etc.

Look For Suitable Accommodation Options

As soon as you arrive in a new country, you may have to deal with jetlag and think of ways to navigate the completely new surroundings. All of it can be quite overwhelming. So, avoid adding unnecessary stress by making accommodation arrangements before you even arrive. Knowing you have a place to relax after the chaotic months of moving will relax your mind.

If your budget allows, it is wise to own a property in a new country where you will create new memories. For this, you must get in touch with real estate agents ahead of time. You can either sell your current home to buy a new property or look into the local housing market and rent a place before your arrival.

Take Care Of Visas And Permits

Of course, you can’t enter a foreign land without a passport, visa, and, in some cases, permit. So, avoid putting a dent in your adventure by ensuring you have all of them in perfect order.

See the expiration date of your passport. If needed, make sure to renew it ahead of your arrival. Next, visa processes vary from country to country. In some instances, these processes are often lengthy, too. So, apply for it as early as possible. However, if you are unsure of any other requirements, you can always speak to the immigration experts.

Gather All Your Important Documents

Picture this. You have arrived in the new place. While you are busy unpacking your boxes, you find out your birth certificate is missing. Or perhaps you can’t find medical forms and educational documents. Sure, this realization will leave you in a panic mode. In addition, the entire life-changing transition will soon turn into a disappointment. Documents you may need can include your birth certificate, marriage certificate, employment records, educational paperwork, tax statements, social security cards, and medical and dental records. Make sure to have copies of each of these original documents and also save them digitally.

Downsize Before You Pack

No wonder you are moving overseas to start fresh. So, what’s the point of taking unnecessary items with you in the new country, right? Moreover, taking everything, even items you no longer need, will only add a financial burden to your international move process. That is where purging comes into play.

Before you start packing your bags and moving abroad, go through your belongings. Make sure you discard any possessions that you haven’t used in a year. Chances are you won’t be needing it in a new place. You can either sell or donate them. If you are undecided, keeping them in a storage unit is also a viable option.

Once you are done with downsizing, it’s time to start packing. Unless you are getting help from professional movers for this task, you must purchase packing supplies and get started early.

Do Some Research On Insurance Options 

When moving abroad, one essential step is to look into what insurance options are available. Regardless of how meticulously you plan, unexpected challenges may arise. So, if you wish to ensure your peace of mind in unchartered territory, you must protect yourself with the safety net of insurance.

Different people have different needs. So, explore your options according to your needs and preferences. However, make sure you obtain healthcare, travel, and property insurance. Finding an appropriate coverage plan will prepare you for an exciting journey. While you are at it, don’t forget to get yourself the necessary vaccinations and immunizations. That way, you won’t have any unattended pressing matters related to healthcare in the new chapter of your life.

Figure Out Utilities And Banking

Do you wish to receive an unexpected bill from a utility company while you are settling in an international land? Of course not! Therefore, it is wise to reach out to utility providers and ask them to schedule an appointment to disconnect all utilities before you embark on an international journey.

Similarly, inform your bank about your new international venture so you can enjoy uninterrupted access to your finances. Speak with your bank and see if they have a branch in the new country. If that’s not the case, you may need to open a new bank account.


The excitement of your international move can turn into a serious disaster with just a significant blunder – neglecting a comprehensive moving abroad checklist. During the hectic and tension-filled months before the move, it’s easy to slip even the basics of things from your mind, like canceling the utilities. On the contrary, having a checklist eases your worries and allows you to enjoy a smooth transition across international borders.


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