Planning to spend some time over the holidays in Travelers Rest, SC? There are a number of events and things to do happening in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Celebrate Christmas in the Park, attend a free ornament crafting workshop, or decorate yourself in lights. It’s all happening in Travelers Rest this Christmas season. We put together this list of what’s happening so you won’t miss any of the festivities.
For more information about this North Greenville town, check out the Kidding Around Guide to Spending The Day in Travelers Rest, SC: Things to Do and Where to Eat
Holiday Events and Things to Do in Travelers Rest
- Holiday Hop and Tree Lighting
Saturday, November 25th, 2023 | 3 pm to 7 pm
A day of fun festivities including FREE photos with Santa in Downtown Travelers Rest- Free Photos with Santa
- Upstate’s Biggest Snowball Fight
- Free crafts
- Free games
- Horse-drawn carriage rides
- The Travelers Rest Christmas Parade
Saturday, December 9th, 2023 | 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
At 10:30 AM the parade will depart Plaza Drive, then fork onto North Poinsett Highway, continuing onto Center Street.
The parade will then turn left onto Main Street and continue through to its end point at Trailblazer Park, where you can visit with Santa. - Travelers Rest Very Merry Christmas Market
Saturday, December 9th, 2023 | 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
All of your favorite upstate local merchants in one convenient holiday market! You can grab some last-minute holiday gifts and the kids can grab a minute with the man in red.
Holiday Events in Travelers Rest
Holiday events in TR organized by date.
Downtown Travelers Rest for the Holidays
There’s always something fun to do in Travelers Rest, especially during the holidays.