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By Louise Kinross

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Here are some quotes to draw you into the content:

  1. From a medal winner at the recent Parapan AM Games, on the kind of care she values at Holland Bloorview: ‘I feel like I can talk to them about anything and it’s not only going there for my arm fitting, they ask about my life and vice versa. It’s very open and honest.’ (See Trailblazer)
  2. From the author of Doppelganger, on how the idea that a child is a parent’s ‘double’ contributes to parents being ‘at war’ with the autism in their child: ‘What are children for? Are they their own people, and our job, as parents, is to support and protect them as they find their paths? Or are they our appendages, our extensions, our spin-offs, our doubles, to shape and mold and ultimately benefit from?’ (See Reading Room)
  3. From a music therapist at Holland Bloorview, recalling a client he worked with: ‘When I met her she wouldn’t speak to me, or to her parents in the room. But by the end of the 10 weeks, she was grabbing the microphone from me and singing her heart out to Disney songs at full volume.’ (See Staff Stories)

Also, don’t forget to read our new In Numbers section to learn about the impact of disability on earnings.

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