You are a checkmark. You are contained and controlled by the checkmark. Without the checkmark, you are nothing. Repeat after Elon: “I am a checkmark.”

Elon will soon offer many different colors of checkmark at various prices, since the world is made up of many different types of people. All shall be validated by the checkmark.

If you pay for a more expensive checkmark, then you are a more valid human being.

Social media is you; you are social media.

Your Twitter defines who you are. Anything you copy-and-paste or write on Twitter shall be used against you for the rest of your life. The internet remembers all.

There is no escape from the checkmark. The internet allows governments to become more fascist by limiting, and thus destroying, all forms of freedom of speech and privacy laws. There is no privacy on the internet. Those in power know who you are, and they are judging you right now.

If you choose not to get the checkmark, you will be seen as anti-social, a pariah, an outcast.

Concentration camps are currently being erected so that you can concentrate on who you are and why you and you alone choose not to fit in. You will not be allowed to participate in the human race any longer. You must go out into the wilderness and live like an animal.

Animals do not have the internet. They are inferior beings. Without the checkmark, you are an animal, and are fit only for a cage, put there by good and wholesome and righteous human beings who love and respect and obey the checkmark.

Bow before Elon and all new cyber gods. Without a cyber or meta Self, you are nothing. You do not exist, because Elon has spoken.

All praise the checkmark … or perish.

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