Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce urges businesses to establish zero-tolerance marijuana policy – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
DOVER—Following the enactment of marijuana legalization and regulation, the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce is urging member businesses to implement a zero-tolerance policy for marijuana use.
Businesses are encouraged to have this policy established by June 1.
“As a business advocacy organization, the (Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce) would like to encourage all of our businesses to implement a zero-tolerance policy which needs to become part of your official personnel and/or operating policy,” the chamber wrote in a May 2 letter to business owners.
“We encourage this action as a precautionary measure to protect your business.”
The letter continued: “We would recommend that you contact your human resources professionals or legal counsel to create your zero-tolerance policy to be certain that it includes the language necessary and specific to marijuana use and being under the influence of marijuana.”
Both marijuana legalization and regulation became law without Gov. John Carney’s April 23 and April 27, respectively.
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