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You’ve probably heard about the hype on how CBD for dogs can potentially aid dogs in many ways, just like it does for humans. From potentially supporting pain management, inflammation, and even allergies, cannabidiol has recently been treated as an ally to dogs all around the US.

That said, owners might feel intimidated between choosing oil or treats to give their dogs, especially if they’ve never taken hemp at all. This is why we’ve gathered the most important insights you have to know when talking about CBD, dogs, and the two most popular ways of giving them this cannabinoid: oil and treats.

So if you want to know the outcome of CBD oil vs treats for dogs, you can explore in the article below how they work, the differences between both methods, how much CBD to give your pup, and of course, some of our favorite products.

Key Takeaways

  • CBD oil for dogs is basically a cannabidiol extract that has no…

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