[ad_1] We’re returning to Mel’s gorgeous New York State garden today. I sent in a GPOD entry in March 2022: Mel’s Rustic Cabin Garden. This submission...
[ad_1] The recipe calls for fresh basil, but all you have is last year’s dried leaves. So can you use dried herbs in place of fresh...
[ad_1] Acer palmatum var. dissectum Whether it’s a screaming infant in the theater, a breakup gone horribly wrong, or the ‘It’s Not Your Fault’ scene from...
[ad_1] Lactuca sativa var. longifolia Batavian lettuce, also known as summer crisp, is the little veggie that could. It can tolerate heat better than many other...
[ad_1] It’s grafting season! We spent Saturday converting Bradford pear trees to fruiting pears with the help of our friend Randall. We ended up doing grafts...
[ad_1] There are a few chosen constants in life—necessary domestic objects that become our anchors, or even beacons, to hold us fast or to draw us...
[ad_1] My name is Lee and I reside in Ilion, New York, which is right in the center of the state in the Mohawk Valley. I...
[ad_1] Gutters are a core part of any home and are something that we often don’t realize that they need to be protected. While gutters themselves...
[ad_1] Orange-scented thyme and chocolate mint are close runners-up, but citrus basil is my favorite dual-flavor herb to grow in the garden. The standards for what...
[ad_1] Peperomia caperata (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh kap-er-AY-tuh) is a perennial tropical member of the Piperaceae (pepper) family of plants hailing from Central and South America, including Brazil. The...
[ad_1] How many different types of aloe can you name off the top of your head? Probably not that many, if your experience with these beloved...
[ad_1] Among the many wonderful indoor plants that have become a staple of almost every home and indoor garden is the humble snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)...
[ad_1] The hibiscus is one of the many popular flowering shrubs in modern gardens (Hibiscus spp.). Sometimes referred to as hardy hibiscus, tropical hibiscus, rose of...
[ad_1] Studies have shown time and time again that having houseplants can help fight depression, and many also remove toxins from the air. But having houseplants...
[ad_1] Soil amendment is crucial to enhance your garden soil and ensure your plants get the right nutrients. Greensand is an organic fertilizer which improves the...
[ad_1] EACH YEAR, the powers that be in the horticulture industry declare what the trends are, what color is in, and what design styles we’re all...
[ad_1] Graptopetalum Amethystinum is an unusual flower and succulent plant species that look like moon rocks with a powdery coating. Graptopetalum amethystinum – Lavender Pebbles belongs...
[ad_1] Quiet needn’t be boring. Remodelista editors shared examples of muted design this week—and each is effortlessly stunning. Plus: Kitchen of the Week: A Creative Couple’s...
[ad_1] Squirrels might be fascinating to watch run around your garden, but they can quickly become a nuisance if you notice your vegetables vanishing and your...
[ad_1] Hydroponic systems feed plants with liquid fertilizers on soil-free growing media. The majority of commercial fertilizers contain simply the key plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorous, and...