[ad_1] Apium graveolens I’ll admit it: as a kid, walking past the soldierly rows of celery in my mom’s garden made me shudder. Celery was the...
[ad_1] I love seeing any kind of pollinator in my garden. All are welcome, but none are as showy or as exciting to spot as butterflies....
[ad_1] Gardening is often touted as a good hobby for staying physically active. It burns calories and builds strength and flexibility as you lift, carry, squat,...
[ad_1] Iris douglasiana Those flamboyant bearded irises may get most of the attention, but the not-so-humble Douglas iris is ready for more time in the spotlight....
[ad_1] Petunia × hybrida If you held a flower popularity contest, petunias would certainly come away with a prize. Beloved for their masses of colorful blooms...
[ad_1] Allium sativum and A. sativum var. ophioscorodon I think we can all agree: the world just wouldn’t be the same without garlic. This pungently potent...
[ad_1] White clover is a plant that the homeowner either loves or hated. Knowing how to control white clover in lawns and garden beds is useful...
[ad_1] Bermuda grass is a plants with long, thick, dark green blades. Although this grass is used for lawns in some places, it is considered a...
[ad_1] Nerium oleander We all have that friend who is perfect in many ways, but conversations about them always end with, “But….” Nerium oleander is like...
[ad_1] Planting buffalograss is now, believe it or not. It is one of the few native prairie grasses suitable for low-maintenance lawns and turf areas. It...
[ad_1] The first step in caring for or dealing with problems with your lawn is determining what type it is. Although Buffalo grass is one of...
[ad_1] Sky Pencil holly (Ilex crenata ‘Sky Pencil’) is a versatile plant with dozens of uses in the landscape. It is unique and has its own...
[ad_1] Anthriscus cerefolium Chervil, Anthriscus cerefolium, is a tasty annual herb that thrives in those cool, shady areas where other plants fail to thrive. It has...
[ad_1] Buffalo grass is a common blue-green turfgrass found in North American countries such as Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It grows well in full...
[ad_1] Yuccas are handsome ornamentals, with long, spiky leaves that add vertical evergreen interest throughout the garden. And they feature superb spikes of cream to white,...
[ad_1] If you’ve ever checked out the roses at your local nursery, I’m sure you’ve noticed that some appear to grow small and have petite blossoms,...
[ad_1] Prunus dulcis From candy, to marzipan (my all-time favorite), to the boom in almond “milk” interest, people are absolutely nutty about almonds, and rightly so....
[ad_1] Have you ever dreamed of growing a pack of pitcher plants, a settlement of sundews, or a colony of Venus flytraps? Well, don’t let your...
[ad_1] When I hear the word eggplant (Solanum melongena), I immediately think of my all-time favorite Mediterranean dish, the smoky, garlicky baba ghanoush. The next thing I...
[ad_1] Cleome hassleriana I’ll admit that I didn’t think I liked Cleome at first, but it quickly moved up my dance card as my go-to option...