[ad_1] Weeds – those opportunistic, unwelcome plants that can effortlessly outcompete your edibles and ornamentals. If only there were an easy way to keep them at...
[ad_1] A quick note, for the sake of clarity and avoiding numerical redundancy: I’m classifying “small,” “medium,” and “large” lawns as being up to a quarter-acre,...
[ad_1] Prunus avium, Prunus cerasus I have about zero control when it comes to eating fresh fruit. In the past I’ve cleaned entire raspberry bushes of...
[ad_1] Tulips, members of the Tulipa genus, come in many different varieties. Not sure how to tell which is which, or where to start? If you’re...
[ad_1] It’s a sad sight to see. And it happens every year. Planters and containers that were once rich with color and foliage slowly fade and...
[ad_1] Maybe you’ve heard of xeriscaping. It’s a type of desert-style landscaping, right? Actually, I’m here to tell you that it’s way more! By definition, xeriscaping...
[ad_1] Tanacetum coccineum A painted daisy is proof that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Or rather, that you can’t judge an effective bug-killer...
[ad_1] For the non-chemical, organic gardener, compost is an essential part of your hardworking hobby. Even for those who do use chemicals, adding organic matter back...
[ad_1] If you love to create a cut flower display in your home, this hybrid is one to have around. ‘Galaxy’ was bred at the US...
[ad_1] Today we’ll continue reviewing the 2022 reading list. I’m going to just give you one-liners this time, or it’ll be 2024 before we get through!...
[ad_1] You’re not the only one itching for some color in your home. Remodelista editors shared projects this week that aren’t afraid to go heavy on...
[ad_1] Passiflora spp. Passionflower is arguably one of the most unique specimens of flora on the planet. Blooms of this vine are flamboyant and complicated, with...
[ad_1] How to grow Dahlias Commemorating Andreas Dahl, a Swedish botanist who was a pupil of Linnaeus (Compositae). Half-hardy, tuberous-rooted perennials from Mexico, were first introduced...
[ad_1] The flea beetle (family Chrysomelidae) is a pesky visitor to most gardens. The beetle targets tasty plants in the families Solanaceae (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers)...
[ad_1] Hyacinthoides hispanica Wood hyacinth, aka Spanish bluebell, is a flowering perennial bulb that’s suitable for cultivation in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-8. These versatile spring bloomers...
[ad_1] Cytisus or Broom Free Blooming Shrubs for sunny location Leaf losing and evergreen hardy and tender shrubs which are very beautiful when in bloom in...
[ad_1] Eutrema japonicum I remember the first time I had a bit of real wasabi. Unlike the neon green stuff I was so familiar with, it...
[ad_1] Growing Tomatoes in a Self Watering Planter Scroll Up This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By clicking accept you give us permission to...
[ad_1] The frenzy of mid-to-late summer, as the harvests start to roll in, is always a doozy. One second, you’re jumping for joy at your first...
[ad_1] Collaborative post Planning a road trip in the UK can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Taking a road trip allows you to explore the...