[ad_1] It’s finally happening! After a boring, bland winter, your fuchsia plants are starting to bud out. But then the unthinkable takes place – the buds...
[ad_1] Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon Remember the old adage, “Haste makes waste?” Sugar snap peas contradict these wise words from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. These garden...
[ad_1] Rachel and I pray the Our Father daily. Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it...
[ad_1] Grow lights are one of the fanciest gadgets a gardener can have. While advertised as a sun replacement, do grow lights for indoor plants really...
[ad_1] When to Plant Gladioli Bulbs in Gardens and Containers Scroll Up This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By clicking accept you give us...
[ad_1] Agricultural lime is a conditioning agent that many folks apply to their lawns, vegetable gardens, flower beds, and pastures. If you’re not sure whether it’s...
[ad_1] Mentha spicata If you’ve ever waffled between selecting spearmint or peppermint gum at the store, then you know that there are lots of mint flavors...
[ad_1] For the seasonal eater, flowers are an ephemeral pleasure, in bud and bloom for a few weeks, at most. Why eat flowers? Because they make...
[ad_1] Today we’re headed to Newbury Park, California, to visit with Wayne Jones, who has been gardening there for 30 years. Wayne’s mother was a very...
[ad_1] For a few years, I found myself moving frequently. I lived in five different homes in as many years. During that time, I had to...
[ad_1] Each time I think I’ve seen them all, I come across another extraordinary fuchsia. And it’s not just Fuchsia magellanica hybrids anymore, either. You’ll find...
[ad_1] Outside of inviting a pair of roving mountain lions into your garden to act as deterrents, installing a deer fence is your best option to...
[ad_1] Goeppertia insignis (aka Calathea insignis) With its long leaves and striking pattern, rattlesnake plant should be an essential member of your prayer plant collection. What?...
[ad_1] Tulipa spp. Have you ever visited a botanical garden on a warm spring day and marveled at tulips in a rainbow of colors, with shapes...
[ad_1] Pencil Cactus (aka Euphorbia tirucalli or ET) is not a cactus. It is a rugged succulent plant that can grow to over 30’ feet high...
[ad_1] I’m such a fan of zucchini for the home garden. I consider it the perfect starter vegetable for the newbie who wants a great return...
[ad_1] Do you have a hankering for the taste of homegrown tomatoes, but lack the real estate for a garden plot? Well, there’s no need for...
[ad_1] Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum A glossy appearance is innately alluring to people, whether it’s found in a shimmering pool of water, a freshly-detailed car, or the...
[ad_1] SOME OF US plant a row or two of annuals for cutting, but Frances Palmer has taken the phrase “cutting garden” to the most delightful...
[ad_1] Pisum sativum ‘Dwarf Grey’ It’s a testament to the ‘Dwarf Grey’ snow pea’s easy-going nature when I tell you one of the toughest issues is...