[ad_1] If you’ve ever found yourself the owner of an old property that’s beautiful but in sore need of attention, you already know: Remodeling the kitchen...
[ad_1] Today we’re visiting Paula Brown’s beautiful garden in Ottawa, Ontario. I love my plants, and they love me. These pictures were taken a couple of...
[ad_1] Plant necrosis is the premature death of cells caused by injury or destruction of the plant’s tissues or cells caused by its own enzymes (autolysis). ...
[ad_1] Yellowing leaves on plants can be a normal process. Older leaves naturally turn yellow and fall, replacing fresh, new growth. In the autumn, tree leaves...
[ad_1] If the beautiful foliage and the crisp fresh air don’t lure you outside this fall, perhaps the enticement of a prolific autumn vegetable garden will...
[ad_1] Despite looking a lot like lettuce, cabbage is actually a member of the Brassica genus of vegetables, along with broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts....
[ad_1] With regrets to all the lettuce lovers out there, I must proclaim that there is no better base for a salad than freshly grown arugula....
[ad_1] Despite the common perception that summer = an abundance of flowers, late August can actually be a somewhat quiet time in the garden. Many of...
[ad_1] These are my favorite garden tools & supplies. If it’s listed here, it’s because I own it, use it, and love it. Dive into my personal...
[ad_1] On Friday the 11th, Rachel and I and one of our sons visited one of the two Ever’man groceries in Pensacola. Ever’man is a nice,...
[ad_1] Every year I tell myself I’m going to embrace the winter season and enjoy the process of putting my plants to bed until the following...
[ad_1] Let the lunar light shine bright on your garden. Moon gardens are mystical spaces that embrace the darkness and contain bright white plants and those...
[ad_1] Albugo candida White rust, caused by Albugo candida, afflicts turnip leaves and flowers and used to be considered a fungal disease. The organism has been...
[ad_1] Invasive autumn olives have a long, rewarding season. Ripening from late summer through fall, their small red drupes are tart, sweet, gelatinously juicy, and tannic,...
[ad_1] My name is Melina. Welcome to my Zone 8a garden in the Seattle area. It has been a few years since I have shared photos...
[ad_1] How do you harvest an apple? Does that seem like a dumb question? I mean, you just reach out and grab it off the tree,...
[ad_1] Nemesia spp. Whether it’s seen in the Apple logo, a hair part that’s off to the side, or even your child’s delightfully unskilled drawing for...
[ad_1] Collaborative post If your outdoor space has a lawn, you’re probably keen to keep it looking as good as possible. Easy lawn maintenance tips A...
[ad_1] When you run out of room to spread out, you have to go up. That’s true of urban areas and it’s true of gardens. Vertical...
[ad_1] Miscanthus sinensis Have you been gazing at your garden, wondering what it might be missing? Are you craving a whisper of the wild? Allow me...