[ad_1] Up here in Vermont, the winters are long. For me, this means months spent curled up by the wood stove with a book and a...
[ad_1] Pinterest24935 Facebook634 Worm composting directly in the garden bed simplifies the process of vermicomposting. When you use in-bed vermicomposting bins, the worms live, work, reproduce,...
[ad_1] Plants with leaves as sharp as razor blades. Plants that smell like rotten meat. Plants that will cause severe gastrointestinal problems if ingested. These all...
[ad_1] …to feed a family and raise some meat animals via planting large banks of just a few simple crops. This year has been a rebuilding...
[ad_1] Collaborative post Every home has its vital spaces: the kitchen for nourishment, bedrooms for rest, and living rooms for family bonding. But have you considered...
[ad_1] Aristaloe aristata The cheese is not the only one that stands alone. There’s also the lace aloe. Once considered part of the Aloe genus, this...
[ad_1] Haworthia fasciata (haw-WORTH-ee-uh fass-ee-AY-tuh), now named Haworthiopsis fasciata, is a succulent plant native to South Africa shrub lands. Haworthia plants are often compared to Ox Tongue plants (Gasteria) and...
[ad_1] Do you have a problem with succulent leaves falling off your plants? Fleshy-leaved succulents and cactus may often drop their leaves for a wide variety...
[ad_1] Homesteading is a way of becoming closer to the earth by living a more self-reliant and holistic lifestyle. From growing your own produce to making...
[ad_1] Sweet, juicy pears are a favorite autumn fruit. Fragrant and flavorful, they’re wonderful for fresh eating, desserts, or made up into preserves. Harvested from mid-summer...
[ad_1] Brassica oleracea var. sabauda While most people have heard of – and eaten – red and green cabbage, I’ve noticed that fewer are familiar with...
[ad_1] Today we’re in Colonial Heights, Virginia, visiting Nancy Snyder’s garden. Nancy has had this hibiscus (Hibiscus ‘Midnight Marvel’ (Zones 5–9) in the garden for three...
[ad_1] Labor Day is behind us. Summer, the official version, is over. Just don’t tell the basil. It’s still going strong, at farmers’ markets and in...
[ad_1] Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, is a cool-season cruciferous crop that can be challenging to grow. Many different varieties are available in shades of green,...
[ad_1] Recommended Uses Each of these 19 varieties includes some recommendations or special notes. Maybe it’s a good use for the fruit, or growing considerations. Each...
[ad_1] Uniquely beautiful succulents, species plants and hybrids of the Echeveria genus are popular ornamentals for the home and garden. Beloved for their handsome rosettes of...
[ad_1] Berberis spp. (syn. Mahonia) When you’re looking for foundation shrubs for your yard, you might choose one that is evergreen, another that has great spring...
[ad_1] It’s hard to miss this new old craze showing up on everything, everywhere, all at once: checkerboard patterns. Remodelista showcased a plethora of projects that...
[ad_1] As the vibrant colors of summer disappear into the warm, earthy tones of autumn, homeowners throughout the country have the ideal opportunity to enhance the...
[ad_1] IT IS NOT TIME quite yet here for what I call the mad stash, storing those non-hardy plants for the winter that we wish to...