[ad_1] When my wife and I dropped our firstborn off at college, we’d anticipated feeling like everyone whose social posts described “leaving a piece of my...
[ad_1] I’m a huge bookworm. One of my children is a reader like I am, one is not, and I’m working on instilling a love of...
[ad_1] My son, a high school junior, recently found out that he is eligible to apply for National Honor Society. Over the past few days, he...
[ad_1] Both of my kids are living away at college. They’re within driving distance, but I don’t visit often, both because I have my own stuff...
[ad_1] Source: Josh Duncan/Unsplash Getting children to do chores is difficult no matter how many kids you have unless you are raising them in an Indigenous...
[ad_1] Source: Josh Duncan/Unsplash Getting children to do chores is difficult no matter how many kids you have unless you are raising them in an Indigenous...
[ad_1] College students can sometimes be tough to shop for. Whether you need a Christmas present or a birthday gift, this list is filled with great...
[ad_1] Birthday parties can be no fun for busy overextended parents. I’m excited to bring you my $100 Birthday Party Series with great ideas for themes,...
[ad_1] Q: “My husband, my high school senior, and I all have ADHD and are easily distracted. It’s super hard for us to untether from our...
[ad_1] Family holidays can be a special challenge for us parents. It’s good to spend time together. But often getting to the holiday destination can be...
[ad_1] Posted on October 31st, 2022 by Maria Bassett | Are you ready for Thanksgiving in Greenville, SC? We are! We have some fabulous ideas for...
[ad_1] My friend Stephany got married and did it on a budget. I asked her if she could share with you how she did so, and...
[ad_1] The weather channel was blaring, as it always was when a hurricane was coming. This one was forecast as a category one. We weren’t super...
[ad_1] For kids, the true essence of Halloween isn’t really about the pumpkins and the spookiness of it all – it’s about the sugar!! Undoubtedly, your...
[ad_1] Want to really spoil the kiddos this Halloween? Integrate some festive, fun, and spooky snacks and meals into your holiday plans. I’ve done a lot...
[ad_1] My daughter and I were driving home from the movies on Saturday when she told me she wanted to take up more hobbies. It piqued...
[ad_1] Ugh prices around the world have gone up and yet our incomes have not, so more and more people need ideas of how to cut...
[ad_1] Apparently, I have superpowers. But unlike regular superpowers — invisibility, shape-shifting abilities, laser-beam eyes — my superpowers are a bit more prosaic. So prosaic, in...
[ad_1] My daughter came down the stairs, sobbing uncontrollably, her phone in her hand. “Mom, what am I going to do?” she wailed. She’d just texted...
[ad_1] Tina name meaning and origin – The name Tina has its roots in Latin (tee Nah), and like Christina, it means “Follower of Christ.” The...