[ad_1] Supreme Court Justice Roberts desecrates every Law he touches. Roberts should investigate HIS OWN leaky drawers. A paternalistic, vendetta driven, malicious overturning of ROE/WADE- Penned...
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[ad_1] Tags: funny 14366 points, 323 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] Validating your inputs is important, even when the sender is an API- in the land of JSON-based data exchange, we can’t guarantee which keys exist...
[ad_1] Second chances and renewal came to mind when I learned that the comet “ZTF” will become visible soon, after a cosmically brief 50,000 years. It’s...
[ad_1] One reason these Wall Street types make so much is that theirs is a dirty job — they are why inequality happens. I don’t usually...
[ad_1] submitted by /u/SammMoney [comments] [ad_2] /u/SammMoney Source link
[ad_1] “My mom gave my dad a Dolly Parton cake for his birthday in 1984. He was not amused for some reason, even though I know...
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[ad_1] “Cards Against Humanity” is the party game for horrible people. Like a twisted version of Mad Libs, players fill in the blank on prompt cards...
[ad_1] Tags: funny, wtf, random 9238 points, 1354 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] LK was browsing a local job site for a new position. The site was flaky, which lead LK to look into the code, and it...
[ad_1] “The day my Mom and sister got glamour shots.” (submitted by Kurt) The post Glammed Up appeared first on AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com. [ad_2] Team Awkward Source link
[ad_1] Reply Share ReportSaveFollow [ad_2] /u/megaslushboy Source link
[ad_1] HALF MOON BAY, CA—In the hours following a violent rampage in California in which a lone attacker killed seven individuals and injured one other, citizens...
[ad_1] While growing up you almost certainly encountered vinyl album covers, so you are probably familiar with their cover art styles. These albums featured weirdly staged...
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[ad_1] Tags: funny, programmer humor 13 points, 3 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] If you want to configure a Java application, the standard way to do it is to use the Java Properties class. This class wraps around...